Crime Prevention Programs

EagleWalk Program

The program’s intent is to get students, faculty and/or staff safely to their destinations on campus or within a close proximity of the campus during the hours of darkness. To receive this service, call police dispatch at: 509.359.7676.  If there is a police officer or cadet available for the escort, the caller will receive instructions as to where and when to meet the escort person, who will accompany them to their destination.

Before calling for an Police Escort, please seek assistance from a friend, roommate or colleague. This escort service is limited to the availability of student patrols or police officers. It is best to pre-plan your departure after dark. Avoid secluded areas, call home or your destination to let someone know you are leaving and the route you are taking, and always try to walk in groups or pairs.

Safety Presentations and Training

The EWU Police Department offers multiple training activities, classes, and other activities. If you are interested in having the EWU Police Department present a training or an activity, please call the police at 509.359.6498.

Self Defense Classes

The EWU Police Department provides free self-defense classes to students, faculty, staff and the community to train both men and women in basic self-defense techniques and offer viable options when confronted with various threats of violence and aggression.

Classes help with the following:

  •  Identifying an imminent attack
  •  Close quarters defensive tactics
  • Defeating attacks from behind
  •  Creating opportunities for acquiring assistance during an attack
  •  Multitude of other self-protection skill sets

These classes will help create a new set of awareness, assertiveness verbal confrontation skills, and safety strategies, and provide techniques that enable you to prevent, escape, resist, and survive attacks.

For questions about self defense classes or to register, contact Officer Karlis at 509.359.6089 or