EWU McNair Scholar Irie Browning Accepted to University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s Masters in Philosophy

Congrats to Irie

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Irie Browning! Irie has been accepted to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s Masters in Philosophy with funding. UWM has a demonstrated track record for graduating scholars from their Philosophy MA towards doctoral and continuing studies. Their overview states: The general purpose of this program is to provide students with the background and … Read more

Graduating McNair Scholars Irie Browning, Alexander Dodson, and Richard Murphy Invited for Campus Visits

Campus Visit Invitations

This Fall, McNair Scholars Irie Browning, Alexander Dodson, and Richard Murphy were honored with invitations to visit potential Graduate programs. Irie visited Yale University and Northwestern University, Irie and Alexander visited Ohio State’s Department of Philosophy and Department of Psychology, and Richard was invited to a small open house with UC Berkeley Irie noted excitement … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Marianna Fischer Attends the Viterbi STEP Workshop at USC

EWU McNair Scholar Marianna Fischer attended the Viterbi Graduate Step Toward Engineering Programs (STEP) Workshop at USC, April 27-28. The USC Viterbi School of Engineering paid for Marianna’s transportation and lodging to attend. From their website: The Viterbi Graduate Step Toward Engineering Programs (STEP) Workshop invites students to explore master’s and doctoral degree programs during … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Edith Melendez Accepted to Northern Arizona University PhD Program

Article for Edith Melendez

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Edith Melendez! Edith has been accepted as a doctoral student at Northern Arizona University in the Combined School/Counseling Psychology program. Edith graduated from EWU in 2018 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Developmental Psychology with minors in Psychology and Spanish. As a McNair Scholar, Edith worked with Dr. … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Rachel Silverthorn Published in American Journal of Criminal Justice

Rachel Silverthorn Published in American Journal of Criminal Justice

EWU McNair Scholar Rachel Silverthorn graduated from Eastern Washington University in 2020 with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. She went on to attend Florida International University’s PhD program in Criminal Justice, with full funding. This spring, she will complete her Masters degree in Criminal Justice, and continue through the program for her PhD. She … Read more

EWU McNair Alumna Lizeth Bañuelos Presents to Scholars

Alumna Lizeth Bañuelos Visits our Grad AppLication Process Course

We recently had EWU McNair Alumna Lizeth Bañuelos visit our Graduate Application Process Course via Zoom. Lizeth is currently attending Arizona State University’s Master of Counseling (MC) program. Lizeth generously shared her experiences in the McNair program and applying for graduate school in a slideshow and offered advice to our scholars.  Lizeth was able to … Read more