Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable is primarily responsible for processing payment documents for vendor invoices, contracts, travel, utilities, refunds and reimbursements using the ERP Financial System, while complying with university, state and federal policies, procedures and regulations.
Click to see Forms and Documents below.
Click to see FAQ’s below.
Click to see Tutorials below.
Forms and Documents
Invoice Voucher A19
Instructions to prepare an Invoice Voucher form A19 below.
Voucher Distribution
Instructions to prepare a Voucher Distribution form below.
Contractor Invoice
Direct Deposit Agreement Form
To request a vendor ACH form please email: accountspayable@ewu.edu.
EWU Cash Award and Gift Card Procedure
Guidelines and procedures for the purchase and distribution of gift cards/prizes purchased with University funds.
Frequently asked Questions
With a reimbursement, you are being paid back for goods or services you purchased on behalf of the university. With a refund, you are being paid back for goods or services that you purchased for yourself from the university, and those goods or services were not provided.
After the Purchasing Department has approved the purchase, submit a prepared invoice voucher and original itemized receipts showing proof of payment to Purchasing.
If the reimbursement includes payment for items for which receipts are not required (i.e., individual meals and mileage), an invoice voucher must be signed by the vendor under “Vendor’s Certificate.” See further information concerning invoice vouchers in the FAQ below.
See also Purchasing’s web site
Prepare an invoice voucher. The original form plus one copy should be forwarded to Accounts Payable 319 SHW.
If the payment has been made and has shown up on your monthly budget statements, then you need to submit a Journal Voucher Form to General Accounting.
If the payment has not yet been made, then you should contact the office to which you sent the initial documents. For instance, if the index number is incorrect on a purchase order or contract, then the Purchasing Dept. should be contacted at 359-2253. If the information on a travel voucher or authorization is incorrect, then Travel Accounting should be contacted at 359-2249. Accounts Payable should be contacted concerning all those payments that are sent directly to them, e.g., refunds, utilities, stipends, etc.
Use tax is the tax we are obliged to pay when vendors do not collect Washington State sales tax on purchases we made from them. Many out-of-state vendors are not required to collect and remit sales tax to the state of Washington. When they do not collect tax, we are required to pay the tax directly to the state of Washington in the form of use tax. The use tax rate is equivalent to our sales tax rate.
Accounts Payable Contingency Plan
In the event of suspended operations, the following plan is in place to address the payment of vendor invoices.
Critical Vendor Payments
- Departments with invoices that are critical for payment should scan and email them to the Accounts Payable Department at accountspayable@ewu.edu.
- The Accounts Payable department will enter those invoices remotely and process them for payment.
- The AiM invoice batch process will run based on invoices entered into the system.
- Vendors that are set up for ACH Direct Deposits will receive payment of invoices as normal.
- Paper check payments will be printed and mailed once university operations return to normal.
Accounts Payable continues to work toward setting up vendors for ACH Direct Deposit payments. ACH Direct Deposits allow vendors to receive payment regardless of on-site operations, and allows flexibility during times of closure.
- Department Name: EWU Department name and mail stop
- Vendor or Claimant: the Payee’s name and address
- Fed ID# or SS#: must be provided if the form is being used for contract payments
- Vendor’s Certificate: vendor must sign (vendor signature) if form is being used as an original invoice for goods or services, or if vendor is being reimbursed for items which do not require receipts (i.e. individual meals and mileage)
- Date: date voucher is prepared
- Description: itemization of goods and services; receipt number of vendor’s payment must be provided on refunds
- Quantity, unit, unit price: optional
- Amount: total to be paid
- Department Approval and Date: signature of person with budget authority and date they signed
- Index, Fund and Account: department’s six-digit index or fund is required; five-digit account should be provided if known
- LIQ: General encumbrance number or contract number, if applicable
- Amount: Total to be paid
- Vendor number and Name box: 8-digit number obtained from Banner; leave blank if unavailable. Provide vendor’s full name and remittance address below the vendor number.
- Department Name, Contact and Phone #: provide department information.
- Beginning and ending Banner Number boxes: leave blank
- Invoice Date: date of invoice
- Disc Code column: leave blank
- Due date column: due date based on terms of invoice, usually 30 days from invoice date or leave blank.
- Invoice number column: invoice number of document being paid; if there is no invoice number, then the account number that the vendor has assigned to the invoice should be provided here; see also special note below *
- Encl Code column: leave blank or the letter “I” if you want a copy of the invoice to be mailed with the check to the vendor (please provide extra copy of invoice)
- Reference number column: provide appropriate reference number here. e.g. purchase order, travel authorization, bookstore, contract etc.; leave blank if unknown.
- Tax Group column: leave blank
- Gross amount column: amount of invoice to be paid; see also special note below *
- Index, Fund and Account columns: provide six-digit department index or fund number and five-digit account number, if known; see also special note below *.
- Remaining columns are for accounts payable use.
- Net amount box: total of invoice(s) to be paid
- Prepared by box: name of person who prepared the form and date prepared
- Authorized by box: signature of person authorized to sign for all department budgets being paid.
*Special Note: if a single invoice is to be paid out of several department accounts, then those accounts must be listed separately on consecutive lines of the voucher distribution with the corresponding amounts
The mission of Accounts Payable is to support the university by providing accurate and timely payments to our vendors and non-payroll payments to our employees.
Contact Us
Phone: 509.359.6370
Fax: 509.359.6869
Email: accountspayable@ewu.edu
Mailing Address:
319 Showalter Hall
Cheney WA, 99004-2445
Office Hours: 8AM to 5PM Monday – Friday