Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery

Student Contributor -J. Morse
The Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery provides safety for children, strengthens families and creates a healthier community in an environment of unconditional love.

We as teachers care about children and their families. This organization helps families in need, they can bring their children at anytime day or night if they are having a crisis. The people there at the center will take care of the children and even offer services of all kinds to the families including counseling services. They will house any children when the guardians are having a hard time finding safe shelter.

Teachers and students can feel empathy for these children and can ban together to offer help. The class could have a mitten drive and have the students bring in new mittens and hats in the winter. The students can write small letters to the nursery for the other children there to read and feel better. The students and teacher can also raise money to help the nursery pay for things that they need. This nursery is a safe place for children to go and be cared for when their guardians are unable to.

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