Feed Spokane

Student Contributor -M Scalise
Feed Spokane is a non-profit organization that brings local restaurants, grocery providers, and community members in the greater Spokane area together to safely preserve prepared foods from restaurants and grocery stores, which then go to non-profit organizations who serve free meals to those in need.

Working with Feed Spokane tackles more than one problem in the community. Not only are you helping to feed members of our community, we are preventing waste at the same time. Feed Spokane works with local restaurants and other food services to preserve and redistribute food that would otherwise have gone to waste. Food waste is a huge problem in America and is something that many students will be able to relate to. Homelessness is something that affects almost every community and might not be as visible. The work that Feed Spokane does helps the whole community.

One way teachers and students can potentially partner with Feed Spokane by finding local businesses to help partner up as Food Donors with Feed Spokane. During the month of March(National Nutrition Month), many businesses partner with Feed Spokane to raise money as part of Dine In Spokane. Students could even attempt to get their school on board to donate food, or to donate leftovers from fundraising dinners. An additional option for people who want to get involved is to become a Meal Provider and distribute the collected meals. At the very least, students can get involved via donations.

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