Hearts and Tails Animal Alliance

Student Contributor -J. Rogge
This is an organization like many others that help give better lives to animals. This group started when they were vacationing to Puerto Rico and met a sick dog that they knew deserved more. The organization is still currently trying to make headway in this problem by meeting and joining together with people who feel the same about animals. They currently have a Facebook page to raise awareness.

Teachers should consider partnering with this organization because it strives to help stray and helpless dogs in many areas. Hearts and Tails Animal Alliance has Puerto Rico based shelter organizations who accept stray animals, and provide care, medical attention, and behavior rehabilitation to prepare them for adoption along with having US and Puerto Rico based Transport Teams who transfer adoptable animals to the United States. Once these animals are safely back in the US, based shelter organizations and foster families that receive the adoptable animals, provide housing for them, and actively seek individuals and families to adopt them as pets. The organization continues to raise awareness by taking periodic trips to Puerto Rico to provide on-site services comprised of educational/awareness campaigns and community outreach programs, as well as the facilitation animal transport and the adherence to transport preparation policies.

While this organization seems very difficult to be apart of since it is not primarily locally based, there are many things that can be done to help. If a teacher chose to partner with this organization, they could help in four ways: donate, volunteer, foster, and share. Since most students will not be able to foster, the easiest way to help would be to donate. The class could watch a video sharing about this organization, then the donating could begin to help a dog find a home!

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