Enrollment/Degree Verification

An enrollment verification certificate is a document that verifies enrollment information such as term dates, number of credits registered, time status, anticipated graduation date, and academic program.

EWU partners with the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) for on-demand enrollment verifications. Access your enrollment verification by logging on to EagleNet or creating a NSC myHub account.

Online Enrollment Verifications for Students

To access free enrollment verifications:

  • Log on to EagleNET (via Eastern Single Sign On (SSO).
  • Click “Student Account” tab
  • Click “Student Records” section
  • Click “On Demand Enrollment Verifications – National Student Clearinghouse”

Students can also log on to the National Student Clearinghouse myHub website using their SSO. Alumni can access their enrollment and degree history by creating an account using their Gmail or LinkedIn account.

National Student Clearinghouse Verifications, if available, can be immediately viewed on and printed from your computer. EWU updates its enrollment information with the Clearinghouse regularly throughout the term.

If you have a form or document that needs to be completed by the Registrar and the agency will not accept an enrollment verification certificate from the Clearinghouse, please bring your form to the Records and Registration office on the 2nd floor of Sutton Hall where we will have you complete an authorization form.

Verifications Request by 3rd Parties

Eastern Washington University is contracted with the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) to verify EWU enrollments and degrees. We no longer provide verifications by phone.

“Special” Enrollment Verification Requests

For special documentation requiring the University Seal, Registrar signature, Academic Standing, or other documentation on your academic record, please submit a ticket to regonline@ewu.edu.

Examples of special requests include:

  • Alaska Department of Revenue
  • Canadian Student Loan Program
  • Tax Commission
  • Letters of Non-Attendance
  • Washington State Opportunity Scholarship Letters

Enrollment/Degree Information Availability

Enrollment information is sent electronically to the NSC multiple times each term:

  • at the start of the term
  • after the 10th day, every 30–45 days
  • approximately 10 days after the term ends

This enrollment data is available soon after it is reported as the NSC requires a few days to process the data.

Degree information for each term is sent electronically to the NSC twice:

  • once approximately 10 days after the quarter has ended and
  • a second time approximately 10 days after the next quarter ends

What is Full-Time Enrollment?

  • Undergraduate: 12 credits – full-time student receiving financial aid or veteran’s benefits
  • Graduate: 8 credits – full-time student receiving financial aid or veteran’s benefits
  • International Student: 12 credits – undergraduate full-time student; 8 credits – graduate full-time student

NSC Contact Information


Exception to National Student Clearinghouse Verifications:

If a student is requesting enrollment or degree verification from the National Student Clearinghouse and our institution does not have their Social Security Number on file they will receive a message telling them, “You do not have a Social Security Number (SSN) on file.”

You may have your number added to your file by sending a copy of your Social Security Card and a letter to the Records and Registration office at the address listed on the left side of this page requesting we add your SSN to your record. Your signature must appear on the letter.

If you know what your EWUID is, please include the number in the letter. You may also fax the data to us at 509.359.6153. We will input the number and notify the NSC as soon as possible to update their records.

We are not able to take your request over the phone as it requires your signature.