Budgeting Functions

The Budget Services staff performs a multitude of financial functions within our office. Below is an outline of the major functions, as well as a brief description of its components.

Legislative Work

  • Biennial operating budget request to State
  • Biennial capital budget request to State
  • Legislative response – Fiscal Notes
  • Legislative review of budget versions (Governor, Senate, House, Conference)
  • Management of legislative info to campus

Collaboration with OFM

  • External state fiscal support
  • Allotment calculations and input
  • Activity Inventory recasting and input
  • CIM-AI Update and input (Compensation Impact Model – Agency Interface)
  • TECM updates and input (Tuition and Enrollment Change Model)

Decision Support

  • Biennial operating budget request prepwork with leadership
  • Biennial capital budget request prepwork with leadership
  • Collective Bargaining scenario calcuations
  • Collective Bargaining support

Internal Budget Planning

  • Walking Axiom forward to a new fiscal year
  • Budget planning system prep
  • Fee Database
  • Tuition revenue projections
  • Long-range forecasting
  • Budget planning review and reconciliation
  • UBC Budget Hearing Prep
  • BOT Presentations – 1st & 2nd Read
  • Original budget review and preparation
  • Original Budgets posted to Banner Finance

Internal Budget Management

  • Budget Revision processing, current year and base
  • Internal department fiscal support
  • Mechanical entries
  • Account Code Cleanup
  • Balance budgets by fund type
  • Reconcile office index expenditures
  • Reconcile central reserves
  • State allocation funding to units
  • Carryforward budget revision

Position Control

  • People Admin Position Control
  • Single Position PAF processing
  • Pooled Position PAF processing
  • Labor reconciliation
  • Post TMP adjustments
  • Manual encumbrance release
  • Salary/benefit change processing & funding
  • Year end salary/benefit close to reserves
  • Activate and roll position budgets in Banner


  • Axiom base budget reports
  • Run monthly deficit ops reports
  • Run monthly reserve balance reports
  • Run monthly position reports