Heal Spokane

Student Contributor -K. Stragier
Heal Spokane is about service to others. Heal Spokane is dedicated to serving the Spokane Community. Through kindness, service and charity, and without the expectation of rewards, it is their mission to give back to Spokane and those who need it most.

This organization became known from one man doing a genuine act of kindness for his neighbor. From there it has snowballed into an amazing gift of service for others. By participating with Heal Spokane, you are not only helping the community, but you are also helping yourself by giving of your time, effort, hard work, and learning the meaning of teamwork. Partnering with Heal Spokane will give you the opportunity to participate in many charitable drives focusing specifically on those in need within our community, cleaning up parks, helping the elderly, and many more ways of giving. Choosing Heal Spokane, will allow your students the opportunity to give of themselves and help the community and others in need.

I think it would be beneficial for teachers and students to partner with Heal Spokane because you can easily make a difference within the community or with a complete stranger by giving up a few hours of your time. To get the full effect of service, kindness, and community, teachers should try to coordinate a monthly service activity with Heal Spokane. All students can partake in any of the activities that are planned. They are age, grade, and physical ability appropriate. Your students will learn the meaning of teamwork, hard work, doing something kind for someone else, and to have the dedication to complete a task once started. One simple act of kindness can mean so much to someone.

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