Spokane County Veterans Service

Student Contributor -C. Rothwell
The purpose of Spokane County Veterans Services is to provide emergency assistance/relief to indigent honorably discharged Veterans, their families and widows pursuant to the laws of the State of Washington. Spokane County Regional Veterans Service Center strives to provide a comprehensive array of veterans programs and services to Eastern Washington veterans in a positive culture of honor and respect for their service.

Vision Statement: To be the State’s flagship government veteran service renowned for innovative leadership and veteran oriented services leading to long term positive outcomes for our veterans and our community.

History: Spokane County Veterans Services has been a department of Spokane County since 1952. Originally known as the Veteran’s Aid Bureau, the office administered the “Soldiers and Sailor’s Relief Fund” which can be traced back to the 1890s.

In January 2017, Spokane County Regional Veteran Services established an innovative strategic partnership with the Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs in order to expand the services offered to Veterans in Eastern Washington. They are now providing a comprehensive array of services to include:
-Spokane County Veterans Relief Services
-WDVA Statewide Programs and Services
-Grant Funded Programs and Services
-Claims, Benefits, and Advocacy Services
-Financial, Transition, and Reintegration Services

Strategic Partnerships: The service center works closely with local, state, and federal programs to leverage resources and create opportunities to increase services through strategic public/private collaboration for federally funded grants and regional multi-jurisdictional partnerships.
-Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs and Westcare
-Home Depot Foundation
-VA Hospital

Teachers and students can get involved with the various charity drives that this organization puts on such as the sock drive as well as the hygiene kit drive for veterans in need.
Teachers and students can also participate in Stand Downs which are one-to three day events providing supplies and services to homeless veterans such as food, shelter, clothing, health screenings, VA Social Security benefits counseling, etc. These are collaborative events, coordinated between local VA Medical Centers, other government agencies, and community-based homeless service providers. (Events listed in the Veterans Chronicle Newspaper.)

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