Career Resources for Black and African American Students

Black/African American Student

The EWU Career Center is dedicated to supporting African American and Black students in your career search and professional development. There are many resources available that provide networking opportunities, development guidance, and job resources to support you in your professional growth. We have compiled a list of resources that will assist you with finding support and options as well as resources for your job and internship search. While the list is not exhaustive, it will help you get started. If you need further assistance, and would like to meet with someone, please feel free to make an appointment with a career advisor.

Know Your Employment Rights

It is important to know your legal rights in the workplace. These cover topics like illegal interview questions, discrimination and bullying. These issues can be challenging to figure out on your own. Below are a few resources to help you understand your legal rights in your career. As always, if something is unclear, we’re happy to discuss and help you understand these resources.

Getting Experience

If you are finding that you lack experience for the opportunities you are interested in, consider building experience in different ways. The following page has some ideas:

Job & Internship Search Resources

In addition to this list, see our Online Search page for general online job boards. Also, see our Professional Networking page to learn about finding opportunities through your relationships.

Fellowship, Internship, and Professional Scholar Programs

These programs are funded opportunities that help you gain experience in your future career. They look great on your resume and show your commitment to your field. You can also access important professional networks that will help you with your job search when the fellowship or program is over.

Here are some, but not all, opportunities available for Black and African American students:

Educational Articles/Resources

These resources will help you learn how to direct your college experience toward specific goals. They also provide general information about identity and the workplace.


Join or research a few professional organizations. You’ll meet other people in your community and field who can share their knowledge and perspective. This will give you a better understanding of your identity in the workplace.

This is not a comprehensive list. We encourage you to search for associations in relation to your field of interest.

Washington Organizations

You can find more resources and assistance in your region. Also, getting involved locally is a good way to build your connections while you are still in school.

Other EWU Resources

EWU also provides other organizations and resources to help support you. Visit the following connections and make friends. Reach out to a career advisor if you need help.