Virtual Services Now Available
All of our services can be offered virtually! If you would like to work with us on professional development for your class or department, we can brainstorm together.
Contact the Career Advisor for your college to get started.
The most effective career and professional development is delivered to our students when a faculty member, academic department, or college partners with the Career Center.
Your voice on campus and influence over students is simply unmatched. That’s why it is our goal to create embedded sustainable career development for every student in every discipline for their entire educational career by working with you!
Let’s Work Together
The list provided below offers a sampling of partnership opportunities, but we are always open to exploring your ideas. Let’s talk today about how we can help your students become career ready and achieve lifelong professional success.
Career Center staff members are sometimes available to present workshops to classes, clubs, and living-learning communities.
- Visits can range between 15 and 90 minutes depending on the topic and are usable in lecture, workshop, or collaborative work formats.
- Visits can be tailored to a major and/or class-specific goal.
- We will meet with your class at its regular time, take attendance if needed, and present on a career topic of your choice.
We can present on a variety of topics depending on the audience’s level of knowledge about professional development.
Contact us to request a presentation.
Events are hard. They’re even harder if we don’t work together. Fortunately for us, they offer our students a prime opportunity to quickly accomplish a great deal when done right.
That’s why we’ve made it our policy to only plan/host events that include strong faculty support and follow a collaborative model. You can look at the overwhelming success of our annual Science & Technology Career Fair and see how effective this type of collaboration can be.
We know you’re busy and time is limited, so support looks different for each person: you can help us prepare your students, incentivize your students’ participation, participate in the event yourself, or even help plan the event.
Contact us to start the conversation.
Making career development a part of your curriculum or department programming is an excellent way to facilitate student success. We can provide training to you or your staff to help you deliver career-related topics to your students.
Contact us to start the conversation.
As we know, learning how to effectively advertise themselves to employers is one of the biggest challenges faced by our students, especially if they don’t understand how to talk about the value of their education. Inviting guest speakers to your class is one way to overcome this challenge.
We can help you connect with alumni and/or industry professionals willing to talk with your students about their opportunities, their career, their organization, or topics relevant to your class.
Contact us to start the conversation.
We can provide assistance with building professional development components into your curriculum.
Contact us to start the conversation.
Have you been wanting to connect with a certain employer, but don’t have the time? Let us do the work for you! If we don’t already have a connection, our team is more than happy to research and start a new employer relationship on your behalf.
Contact us to start the conversation.
Our Internship Coordinator works with your designated faculty internship advisor for coordination and setup of your student’s internship experiences.
If an employer has shared a job or internship opening with you, we can help get the word out. We encourage all employers seeking to recruit Eagles to post on Handshake, but we can also help by promoting openings through social media and email depending on the position.
Contact us for assistance.
Other ways you can help students with career development
Encouraging your students to work with our department attend our events is a powerful motivator. Even more powerful, is providing incentives such as:
- Making it a class requirement
- Providing extra credit
- Allowing students to attend our events during part or all of class time if it’s during a scheduled class
Note: For those having their class attend career fairs, please stress the importance of professional attire and being prepared. Unprofessional and unprepared attendees at career fairs and recruiting events can have a negative effect on student success and future employer participation.
Include our web address or links to our online resources on your syllabus or canvas page.
Coming to our career fairs and workshops is a great way to meet employers, learn something new, and get involved with the Career Center. Attending these events shows students that you care about their professional development.
The Eagle Career Network
The Eagle Career Network is an awesome tool to help mentor students, network with alumni, and share information.
As a member of ECN, you can connect on an individual basis, join or create groups, access and create resources, and take part in discussion threads. You can even incorporate networking activities into your curriculum.
Faculty Internship Advisors
Internship learning contracts and evaluations are now done online through Handshake. Students and Faculty Advisors can use the instruction guides below for assistance. Contact the Internship Coordinator, with questions.