Pre-Trip Information

Welcome! Now that you are registered for a trip with us, please use this page to access your gear lists and paperwork.

Step 1:

Find the gear list for the trip you registered for. Download the gear list to use for reserving your equipment. You can reserve your equipment the week that your trip goes out. We encourage you to come into EPIC to reserve gear so we are able to size you for gear in person. During your pre-trip meeting, your trip leader will go over this list in case you have any questions.

Winter Trips

Fall and Spring Trips

Step 2:

Download the Trip Paperwork packet. This packet is mandatory to fill out. This will needed to be printed and filled out, or filled out electronically. If not e-mailing to us, please print and bring with you when you show up for your trip. This packet includes the following items: Health Information and Contact Info Form, Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risk Form, Consent and Waiver, Photo Release, and Participant Responsibilities an Conduct Form.

Step 3:

Attend the Pre-Trip Meeting for your trip! One of our staff members should be reaching out to you about the time of your pre-trip meeting via zoom. If you did not receive this e-mail or cannot find the zoom link, please call EPIC Adventures at (509) 359-4014. If you cannot attend the meeting, it will be recorded and sent out to you. Please review that video and all trip details that are sent with it.