Club Sports Federation

About Club Sports

The Club Sport Federation (CSF) was created in 1999 when EWU Campus Recreation and a group of student leaders saw the need for a program that would allow our students to participate in club level competitions.

Starting with 12 clubs and growing to the present 33 CSF organizations, the CSF has quickly become a program that recognizes teams in many traditional and non-traditional sport offerings.  With a key focus on the “no experience necessary”  motto, the CSF is hugely popular with students wanting to represent EWU in competition while taking advantage of the opportunity to play the sport they love.

EWU Hockey team celebrating
Boxing Club

Contact Us

Club Sports Coordinator: Joey Porco

Phone: (509) 359-4013
Address: 201 University Recreation Center, Cheney, WA 99004

Please visit EWU’s COVID-19 Updates Page for information on university building closures.