Services & Activities Fee Committee

S & A fees are for the purpose of supporting student activities and programs which include college co curricular or extracurricular activity participated in by students in the furtherance of their education.
The purpose of the Services and Activities Fee Committee is to develop an annual recommended budget that will be presented to the Board of Trustees of the University for approval. The recommended budget details how funds collected through the the Services and Activities Fee should be spent.
If you are a student interested in serving on the Services and Activities Fee Committee please complete this application and select in the dropdown “Service and Activities Fee Committee”. For questions about the Committee and/or time commitment, please e-mail the ASEWU Finance Vice President at
Programs are invited to submit proposals for funding consideration at the beginning of each year for the subsequent academic year. Keep in mind that the use of the funds should be student services and programs that are for the benefit of current students. For more detailed information see the guidelines for funding information.
It is a primary goal of the Committee to be transparent in this process. As such all of our meetings are open to the campus community.