Funding Requests

Funding Requests for Department/Programs/Units will be made available at the beginning of January every year. The completion date of these requests will be posted at that time. The request form will be provided below along with instructions to complete the form.

Once received the S & A Committee will begin the review process. When the review process is complete and approved by the Board of Trustee’s you will be notified of your awarded amount. Please keep in mind this process will likely not be completed till close to school year end.

To apply to serve on the S&A Fee Committee, please complete this application.

To view requests from past years please click HERE. To view awarded funds from past years please click HERE.

Annual FY26 EWU S&A Budget Request (Dept/Prog/Unit)

The EWU Student Activity Fee (S&A Fee) supports student-centered activities, services, facilities, and recreation to improve student life. To apply for funding derived from the EWU Student Activity Fee, EWU departments/units/program and Clubs & Organizations (C&Os) are required to submit a budget spreadsheet (available HERE) that outlines salaries/wages, benefits, and/or direct expense funds being requested. As part of developing a budget request, you will be asked to respond to questions that will explain the impact your unit has on the student community, and what you intend to use the requested funds for.

Budget requests currently being accepted for consideration to receive funding:

• FY2026 (July 2025 – June 2026)
• FY2025 Supplemental Budget Request

All funding requests must be received by:

Wednesday, January 8th, 2025

Estimated S&A Fee Committee Schedule:

• Last Week of January | Training / Committee Introductions / Orientation
• 1st Week of February| Review Fee Increase Proposal / Initial Review of FY25 Requests
• 2nd Week of February | Continued Review of FY25 Requests
• 3rd Week of February | Final Review/Scheduled Budget Presentations
• Last Week of February | Presentations
• 1st Week of March | Finalize Recommendations
• 2nd Week of March |  Prepare Proposals for BOT
• 1st Week of April | Finalize All S&A Business
• Last Week of June | Proposals Sent to BOT
• July 15th | Funding Award Letter Sent

General Guidelines for Requesting & Spending Funds Awarded:

  • S&A Fees are collected from students for the express purpose of funding non-academic student activities and programs.
  • Purchases supported by fees must conform to the organization’s approved objectives and expenditure plan submitted to the 2024-25 S&A Fee Committee. If you plan to deviate from your approved expenditures, it is required that you notify and request the ability to spend differently from the original request and the funds awarded to you based on this request, you will need to come back to the S&A Fee Committee to request permission to re-allocate the funds you were awarded.
  • The S&A Fee Committee considers how the last allocation was managed and spent. A well-documented history of prudent expenditures improves the organization’s chances for continued funding.
  • Expenditures should clearly promote and conform to the University’s mission and goals. All purchases should be reasonable and prudent.
  • Purchases may not directly or indirectly result in personal material benefit.
  • An organization is to discuss all purchases with their designated expenditure or budget authority prior to purchasing items or services. Individuals with budget authority can outline what is allowable and appropriate or indicate a University office for resolution of questions.
  • S&A Fees are considered public monies of the State of Washington. Each purchase from an organization’s account must be allowable, authorized, recorded, and appropriately used.
  • Individual students may not unilaterally make purchases.
  • Individuals may not make purchases with personal money and seek reimbursement without prior approval. All University paperwork must be complete and signed by the expenditure authority before purchases occur.
  • Contracts that require an expenditure of S&A fee monies must be processed through EWU Procurement and Contracts. The organization must not commingle S&A Fee Monies with other types of funds.
  • The organization must not overspend S&Afee accounts. The organization must carefully monitor expenditures and allocations.

As you plan and deliver your budget plans for FY25 please use these assumptions and considerations: 

While we have not been provided budget conformations from business & auxiliary services, we would encourage all requests to account for the fiscal growth factor when budgeting. This would include wages, benefits, and direct expense. The fiscal growth factor is set by the Economic and Revenue Forecast Council, and for FY25 is projected at 6.40%. The fiscal growth factor is currently at 6.22% for FY24. Please use 6.40% when budgeting direct expenses. Also, please plan for any step increases, severances, and retirements coming this year.

Additional Information:

  • Judy Miller in Student Accounting can provide you with a breakdown of what you have spent in YTD in each budget category. Additionally, she is happy to work with you to review your spending trends from years past.
  • Consider the accuracy of your budget and changes experienced/planned for your unit.
  • Be sure to take into account any cyclic expenditure patterns unique to your index such as quarterly expenditure patterns, or cyclic employee costs.
  • Classified positions -General salary adjustment increases ARE NOT centrally funded and you will need to plan for these increases in DIRECT EXPENSE. The department is responsible for funding step increases AND general salary adjustments.
  • PSE exempt positions -General salary adjustment increases ARE NOT centrally funded and you will need to plan for these increases in DIRECT EXPENSE Exempt positions -General salary adjustment increases ARE NOT centrally funded and you will need to plan for these increases in DIRECT EXPENSE. Benefit increases -Increases ARE NOT centrally funded and you will need to plan for these increases in DIRECT EXPENSE
  • Anticipated position and benefit increased based on the expenditure assumptions should be reflected as an increase to the direct expense budget. Do not change the total in the individual positions.

Other Budget Considerations:

  • Minimum wage increases to $16.66 on Jan. 1st, 2025
  • Starting in Sept. 2020, L&I will make a cost of living adjustment to min. wage earners and clerical workers. This minimum wage will be announced Sept. 30th, and take effect on Jan. 1st, and yearly thereafter.


For the complete S&A Fee Committee Guidelines please click HERE

-Start Here-

Funding Request Spreadsheet (complete and attach below)