Throwback Thursday: 1968 Picture of the EWU Army ROTC Jeep

1968 EWU Army ROTC Jeep

1968 EWU Army ROTC Jeep

This is a picture from the 1968 Kinnikinik Yearbook published by then Eastern Washington State College of the Army ROTC Jeep.  Eastern’s mascot back then was the Savages and thus the Jeep was named “Lil Savage”.  Today the university’s mascot is the Eagles and thus the ROTC Jeep is named “Lil Eag”.  After all these decades the ROTC Jeep is still up and running and can be seen at every home football game next to the Cannon Crew.

We encourage any of our EWU Army ROTC alumni and friends to stop by and see “Lil Eag” and our historic World War II howitzer when attending home football games.  We hope to see you there!  Go Eags!

Eastern Washington University ROTC Cadet Awarded the Prestigious Legion of Valor Bronze Cross

The Eastern Washington University (EWU) Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program is pleased to announce that Chad Triplett has been awarded the Legion of Valor Bronze Cross for Achievement in recognition of being the top Cadet in the western United States.

Legion of Valor Bronze Cross
Chad Triplett, a Cadet in the Eastern Washington University Army ROTC program was awarded the Legion of Valor Bronze Cross.

The Legion of Valor traces its roots back to 1890 when veterans created an organization to promote patriotism, belief in the U.S. Constitution, and support of civil liberties.  Members of the Legion of Valor are all recipients of the nation’s highest military awards for heroism, the Medal of Honor, the Distinguished Service Cross, the Navy Cross, or the Air Force Cross.

Legion of Valor Crest
Legion of Valor Crest

The Legion of Valor began awarding the Bronze Cross in 1961 to top Army ROTC Cadets across the country.  The recognition expanded to include Air Force ROTC Cadets in 1962, and Naval Cadets in 1975.  Cadets selected for the award go through a competitive nomination process through their ROTC Brigades where they must have dem0nstrated academic excellence, outstanding leadership potential, and a high degree of physical fitness.  The Legion of Valor then selects its winners of the Bronze Cross for Achievement from the brigade nominations.  Only 1 in 4,000 Cadets across the country receive this award.  Cadet Triplett this year was selected as the Legion of Valor’s top Cadet in the 8th ROTC Brigade that covers the western part of the United States, Hawaii, Alaska, and Guam.

Chad is a Criminal Justice major who is on pace to graduate with honors, scored a perfect 300 on his Army Physical Fitness Test, is part of the university’s Ranger Challenge team, was awarded a Gold German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge, and is active in volunteer activities in the community.  This past summer he completed ROTC Advanced Camp at Ft. Knox, Kentucky with the highest rating of “outstanding” and graduated from the U.S. Army Airborne School at Ft. Benning, Georgia.  He has also been recognized as one of this year’s Chertok Scholars from the College of Social Sciences.  Finally, Triplett is the current Cadet Commanding Officer for the EWU Army ROTC “Fighting Eagles” ROTC Battalion.

The last known Eastern ROTC Cadet to win the annual Legion of Valor Bronze Cross for Achievement award was Richard Ator who graduated from EWU in 1962.  Cadet Triplett after graduating later this year from Eastern will commission in the rank of Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army.  Congratulations to Cadet Triplett for this prestigious accomplishment.

Ranger Challenge 2019 (Taskforce East) Day #1 Events

Ranger Challenge Tab

Day #1 Events (Oct. 25th)

(Click here to go back to the Scoreboard)

Ranger Challenge Tab

Event #1 – Commander’s Challenge

spring drag carry course

Event #1a – Climbing Wall

Task: All Cadets Complete the climbing wall within 15 minutes.

Condition: Given 15 minutes, 1x 3 sided Climbing wall with all safety equipment each cadet will climb the wall safely.

Standards: All members of the team will tie a Rappel seat be inspected then use 1 of 3 lanes to climb and touch the top of wall until every member is complete within 15 minutes. Every Cadet that doesn’t complete the wall climb within 15 minutes will earn a 1 minute penalty added to the overall course completion time. Each team will be released to continue the events at the 15 minute mark.

climbing wall

Note: Rappel seat will be inspected by certified Rappel Master before being allowed on the wall.

Event #1B – Sprint, Drag, Carry

Task: Cadets will complete the ACFT Sprint/Drag/Carry as fast as possible until all team members are complete and move to the start of the obstacle course.

Condition: Given 5 lanes 25 meters long, 5 tire sleds, 2 filled water cans, and instructions.

Standards: Cadets will start in the prone pushup position. When 1st 5 Cadets are down they may begin the event. Once a lane is complete the Cadet waiting may assume that lane and reset equipment and begin on there own once in the prone position.

Sprint: Cadets will sprint 25m; touch 25m line with foot and hand; turn and sprint back to the start line. If Cadet fails to touch 25m line with hand and foot, the grader will call them back.

Drag: Cadet will grasp each strap handle of the tire sled which will be positioned behind the start line; pull the sled backwards until the entire sled crosses the 25m line; turn sled around and pull back until the entire sled crosses the start line. Entire sled must cross both turn around and start lines or grader will call them back.

Lateral: After the entire sled crosses the start line, the Cadet will perform a lateral for 25m, touch the 25m turn line with foot and hand, and perform the lateral back to the start line. The Cadet will face same direction both ways. If Cadet fails to touch 25m turn line with hand and foot, the grader will call them back.

Carry: Cadets will then grasp the handles of the two filled water jugs and run to the 25m turn line; over the 25m turn line with one foot; turn and run back to the start line. If the Cadet fails to touch the 25m turn line with their foot, the grader will call them back.

Sprint: after stepping over start line, Cadets will place the water jugs on the ground; turn and sprint 25m; touch the 25m turn line with foot and hand; turn and sprint back to the start line. If the Cadet fails to touch the 25m turn line with hand and foot, the grader will call them back.

acft equipment
Equipment used for the Sprint, Drag, Carry event.

Event #1c – Obstacle Course

Task: Cadets successfully navigate through the obstacle course for time until all team members have finished the rope climb then time will end.

Condition: Given 1x Monkey bar set, 1x 6’ wall, 1x 8’ wall, and rope climb.

Standards: All team members must start at the monkey bars and then move to 6’ wall, 8’ wall, and rope climb in that order. Each team member must complete each OB in order for the team to move onto next OB. If a team member fails to cross the monkey bars on 1st attempt they must move to back of team line for 2nd attempt. After 2 attempts failed then a 1 min penalty will be assed to the overall time per failed cadet. If a team member fails to climb the rope and touch the top beam after 2 attempts then a 2 minute penalty will be assessed to the overall completion time. This applies for each Cadet that doesn’t touch the top beam.

The EWU wall and rope course.

The below video shows an EWU Cadet climbing the rope at the end of the course:

Event #2 – Boating

Boating Event Route

Event #2a: Road March

Task: Complete 4-mile ruck march to Fish Lake

Conditions: Given a route, cadets move from start to finish line at Fish Lake.

Standards: Successfully complete a march from start point to end point located at Fish lake in shortest time possible in order to start rafting event. 9 line MEDEVAC clues are enroute. Time starts on command and ends at the end of the trail.

Columbia Plateau Trail
The Columbia Plateau Trail is a 4-mile paved path that runs between Cheney and Fish Lake.  Competitors will road march down this path while writing down clues for a 9 Line MEDEVAC.

Event #2b – Paddling

Paddling Route at Fish Lake

Task: Complete an out-and-back timed raft event

Conditions: Given a raft, 8x PFDs and one paddle per Cadet

Standards: Successfully complete a timed 8-person team paddle race without losing any gear. 9-line MEDEVAC is compiled by remaining members. Fastest time wins.

Fish Lake
Ranger Challenge competitors will road march from Cheney to Fish Lake and then complete a paddling course on a raft.

The below video shows EWU ROTC Cadets paddling in Fish Lake with the exact type of raft that will be used in the competition:

Event #3 – Range

Ranger Challenge Range Diagram

Event #3a – M9 Qualification

Task: Each member of a unit’s Ranger Challenge team completes the M9 leader qualification course in groups of 3 Cadets.

Conditions: Given 1x M9, 3x Magazines, 20x Rounds, and 5 Targets.

Standards: Successfully engage designated targets from multiple firing positions and executing fluid magazine changes.


1.Cadets will receive 3 magazines, 10 RDS, 5 RDS, and 5 RDS. Cadets will shoot 4 times per target.

2.Firing positions include standing (stationary), standing (walking), prone unsupported, and from behind obstacles.

3.Cadets will be required to drop and reload when necessary. Cadets will fire 2 rounds each at number or shape  assigned to them before beginning of event.

4.In the event of a weapon malfunction Cadets are responsible for clearing their weapon system.  Time will continue to elapse and Cadets are required to continue to move through the lane.

5.Targets will be replaced after 3 Cadets have fired.

M9 Range
EWU ROTC Cadet engages targets with M9 pistol at weapons range in Medical Lake, WA.

Event #3b – M4 and Sled Pull

Task: Obstacles are set up that limit the view of participants and require Cadets to shoot from a variety of positions.

Condition: Ranger challenge teams conduct buddy team stress shoot.


Ranger challenge teams begin at AA. On the command of begin, the first buddy team moves to the firing line to engage targets. Each Cadet will receive 14 rounds, 2 rounds per station. After the first Cadet reaches station 4 the second Cadet will begin. Both Cadets are accompanied by a lane walker that ensures the Cadet is engaging targets from the required positions. Once both Cadets are complete they move back to their team together and the next two Cadets move to the M4 firing line. While Cadets are engaging targets the rest of their team is pushing a sled from CP1 to CP2 back to CP1. Each full rotation that is completed results in ten (tbd) additional point for the team.

Graders will change targets at the end of each Ranger challenge teams iteration. Targets will be turned into the ammo point. There they will be marked with the name of the team and scores will be calculated. The sled pull lane walker will inform the ammo point of the total points scored by a team at the end of their iteration. Ammo point will calculate the total score, combined stress shoot and sled pull, for each team and report back to the TOC.

Uniform will be ACH, eye pro, FLC, knee pads, elbow pads, ear pro, water source.

Range at Medical Lake
EWU ROTC Cadets engage targets with M4 rifles at weapons range at Medical Lake, WA.

Event #3c – Written Test

Task: Cadets will take a written test made by the BDE S-3 shop.

Condition: Given 1x written test, 1x pencil, 20 minutes, and possible 100 points per cadet team member.

Standards: Cadets will have 20 minutes to complete the written exam upon start. Any questions not answered within the time limit will be counted as wrong answers. No talking is allowed between the cadets while taking the test.

Grading: 100 points available, two points per correct answer.

Example: 50 question test, means 2 points per question.

Cadet does not correctly answer 13 questions [100 – (2 x 13)] = 74 points

Event #4 – CWST

Mission: Each member of a unit’s Ranger Challenge team completes a 3 event CWST test (Five-minute buoyancy test without ruck, Jump/Swim, and Two-stroke test)

Execution: Cadet teams will rotate every 20 minutes until each team has completed all three CWST events.

Event #4a – Buoyancy Test

Task: Cadets will demonstrate their ability to remain buoyant for 5 minutes

Condition: Given test instructions, and a pool cadets demonstrate the skill required.

Standard: Cadets will enter the pool 3 cadets at a time and demonstrate there ability to remain buoyant for 5 minutes without touching the side. If a cadet touch’s another cadet or the side of the pool the cadet will be disqualified and loose the point for that cadet. After entire team is complete they will wait for rotation time to be called out.

The below video shows an EWU ROTC Cadet conducting the buoyancy test:

Event #4b -Jump Swim

Task: Cadets will demonstrate there ability to Jump from the diving board to standard into the water and swim to the far side and exit the swimming pool.

Condition: Given test instructions, and a pool cadets demonstrate the skill required.

Standard: Cadets will climb up the diving board 1 at a time and jump from the diving board into the pool demonstrating the skill: (cross the legs at the ankles keeping the knees slightly bent. Put the arms across the chest while jumping and entering the water). Once returning to the surface swim to the other side of the pool. Any Cadet that fails to demonstrate the proper technique will lose 1 point for there team per cadet. After entire team is complete they will wait for rotation time to be called out.

Event #4c – Two Stroke Test

Task: Cadets will demonstrate there ability to perform the two-stroke test by using the sidestroke and breast stroke.

Condition: Given test instructions, and a pool cadets demonstrate the skill required.

Standard: Cadets will enter the pool on the sides 3 at a time. On the command GO cadets will demonstrate the sidestroke down and back. After the entire team has completed the side stroke. The team will again enter the water 3 Cadets at a time and demonstrate the breaststroke down and back. Cadets who fail to complete each swim will lose 1 point per cadet that doesn’t finish. After entire team is complete they will wait for rotation time to be called out.

CWST Grading


Taskforce East Ranger Challenge 2019 Scoreboard

Ranger Challenge Tab

The 2019 8th ROTC Brigade Ranger Challenge 2019 (TF-East) competition is being co-hosted between Gonzaga University (GU) and Eastern Washington University (EWU). Day #1 on October 25th will be held in the vicinity of Cheney, WA with events executed by EWU.  Day #2 on October 26th will be held at Camp Seven Mile north of Spokane with events executed by GU.  Click the below links for descriptions of each event:

Day #1 Events in vicinity of Cheney

Day #2 Events at Camp Seven Mile

Ranger Challenge Tab


On the Day of the competition the below scoreboard will be regularly updated with scores as events are completed.  Check back regularly to see how your university’s Ranger Challenge team is performing during the competition.

EWU Logo117.533:00
Montana Logo9834:45
Idaho Logo9733:06
nevada logo9228:41
Boise St. Logo78.532:56
BYU-Idaho Logo58.536:34
montana st. logo53.529:45
UC-Davis Logo5537:59
cal logo4852:45