Fighting Eagles Cadets Start Spring Quarter With Platoon Operations Training

On April 4, 2019, the Eastern Washington University AROTC battalion conducted their first leadership lab of the Spring quarter, kicking it off immediately with platoon operations on the Montague’s Farm property located adjacent to the EWU campus.   Over the course of the next month, Cadets will be training on platoon tactics to prepare for our … Read more

Fighting Eagles Train on Squad Level Tactics During 2019 Winter FTX

From March 7-9, 2019, The “Fighting Eagles” battalion from the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program at Eastern Washington University (EWU) conducted their winter field training exercise (FTX).  This FTX was the culmination of all the training the Cadets have conducted at weekly Leadership Labs this quarter.  The primary goal of the FTX was to test our MS-III (Junior) Cadets on leading a squad sized … Read more

Fighting Eagles Cadets Conduct Squad Operations Across the Palouse Hills

On February, 28 2019, the Eastern Washington University (EWU) Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) battalion conducted its weekly leadership lab on the Montague’s Farm property located to the west of the university’s campus.  Much like last week’s training at the Cheney Water Works, the Montague’s Farm property was also covered in knee deep snow.  This deep snow was evidence … Read more

Cheney Water Works Becomes Training Ground for EWU ROTC Battalion

On February, 21 2019, the Eastern Washington University (EWU) ROTC battalion conducted its weekly leadership lab at the Cheney Water Works (CWW). The CWW provides the “Fighting Eagles” Cadets a forested area near the EWU campus to practice their squad operations skills they learned from previous leadership labs.  Due to the heavy snow fall this … Read more

Fighting Eagles Cadets Show Their Toughness Conducting Squad Operations Despite Deep Snow

On February, 14 2019, the Eastern Washington University (EWU) ROTC battalion conducted its weekly Leadership Lab at John F. Kennedy (JFK) Field and inside Cadet Hall. The freezing temperatures and record snow fall did not stop the “Fighting Eagles” Cadets from conducting their training.  This February the Spokane area has seen five times the normal amount of snowfall leading to deep snow levels on … Read more

EWU Army ROTC NCO Recognized as the Cadet Command Instructor of the Year

The Eastern Washington University (EWU) Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) “Fighting Eagles” battalion is pleased to announce that one of our faculty members, Sergeant First Class (SFC) Jason Hennig has been selected as the 2018 US Army Cadet Command NCO Instructor of the Year.  Each year US Army Cadet Command recognizes one non-commissioned officer (NCO), from its 274 ROTC battalions across … Read more