Seth McCullough Selected as an EWU McNair Scholar and Awarded Summer Research Internship

Congratulations Eastern Washington University student Seth McCullough! Seth has been selected as an EWU McNair Scholar and awarded a summer research internship. McNair Scholars must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, are first generation college students and low-income and/or underrepresented students, and are selected for their promise as scholars and commitment to attaining a … Read more

EWU McNair Alumna Angélica García-Macías Accorded Ford Fellowship Honorable Mention

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Angélica García-Macías! The Ford Foundation found Angélica’s application to their pre-doctoral fellowship particularly strong and wanted her to recieve special recognition on their Honorable Mention List. This is commendable, for while Angélica was not one of the 75 recipients of the fellowship, her application stood out near the top amongst … Read more

Christina Ramelow — EWU McNair alum, recent EWU Biology Master’s graduate and current neuroscience PhD student at Emory — publishes research with Dr. Javier Ochoa in Frontiers in Immunology

A Gut Feeling: The Importance of the Intestinal Microbiota in Psychiatric Disorders Here’s an excerpt from the introduction:   “Charles Darwin kept a diary where he would annotate feelings and symptoms, often describing his trouble with the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and anxiety (1). In one of his letters to his medical advisors, he noted the … Read more

EWU McNair Scholars Present their STEM Research and Experiences

Despite COVID-19, EWU McNair Scholars have persisted through their virtual research internships during the summer of 2020 and now are presenting their research throughout the year. In addition to Ashley Destin and Rachael Pentico presenting at the Murdock College Science Research Conference in the Fall of 2020, three McNair Scholars have presented within their departments … Read more

EWU McNair Scholars Present at Murdock College Science Research Conference 2020

Despite COVID-19, EWU McNair Scholars have persisted through their virtual research internships during the summer of 2020 and continued to present their research throughout the year. This last fall, two EWU McNair Scholars presented at the Murdock College Science Research Conference. This Northwest specific undergraduate conference focuses on sharing and advancing new knowledge in the … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Julianna Pruneda-Martinez Completes Summer Research Internship

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Julianna Pruneda-Martinez for completing her EWU McNair Summer Research Internship! Under the mentorship of Dr. Michael Winer in the EWU Department of Education, Julianna researched mathematics education through the review of two texts: Taking Action: Implementing Effective Mathematics Teaching practices in Grades K-5 by DeAnn Huinker and Victoria Bill and … Read more