EWU McNair Scholar Rachel Silverthorn Accepted by Two Masters Programs!

Rachel Silverthorn Grad School Acceptances Announcements 2019

Rachel Silverthorn Grad School Acceptances Announcement 2019 Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Rachel Silverthorn! Rachel has been accepted into the Masters program in Criminology and Criminal Justice at Arizona State University as well as to the Masters in Forensic Psychology at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. Rachel is a senior at Eastern Washington University … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Theresa Lee Presents Poster at the American Society of Criminology Conference

EWU McNair Scholar Theresa Lee presented her research poster, “Prisoner Reentry: College Perceptions of Reentry Barriers in a Northwest Community” this November at the American Society of Criminology (ASC) conference. With the support of her mentor, Dr. Lindsey Upton, Theresa studied the college community’s perception of barriers to reentry that might interrupt, or help, successful … Read more

Angelica Garcia-Macias, McNair Scholar, has been accepted to the MIT Summer Research Program!

Angelica Garcia-Macias was accepted to the MIT Summer Research Program for the summer of 2019! This prestigious university offers this summer program for a small number of students from all over the country. Her acceptance into this program, which includes a variety of graduate school preparedness activities, collaboration between other scholars and faculty at one … Read more

Ereisa Morales, McNair Scholar, has been accepted into the M.A. program of Applied Sociology at the University of Central Florida

Scholar Ereisa Morales was accepted to University of Central Florida in the M.A. program of Applied Sociology with funding. This is her first response she has heard since sending in numerous applications. Congratulations to Ereisa!

Ereisa Morales’s Scholar Story

You might recognize Ereisa Morales from McNair’s website. You also might recognize her from posters around campus. She is holding a book about drug use, and a tape recorder, ready to document, survey, and research. What is she researching? Morales is a McNair Scholar. She is also a part of a sorority on campus, and … Read more