Faculty and Staff: Update your Personal and Directory Information!

Updates to your personal and directory information are being conducted to ensure the University has accurate information for communications and emergencies, including organizational charts.  Adding/updating personal pronoun(s) and gender identification are optional and will be restricted to internal use only. Your preferred first name (such as selecting Jon or Kate instead of your full legal name of Jonathan or Katherine) will be used for external communications, including email, the directory, and other systems like Canvas. Your legal name will still be used for certain official documents and processes.

Step 1: Personal Information

Update or verify your personal information through EagleNet, including a preferred first name and/or your personal pronoun(s) and gender identification.

In addition to your personal information, it is critical that you review your emergency information for accuracy. If you have any questions on your self-service personal information through EagleNet, please contact Human Resources at hr@ewu.edu or 509-359-2381.

Step 2: Directory Information

If your directory or Outlook information is listed incorrectly, submit a request to make changes to your department, location or telephone number.

  • If you have any questions on submitting an IT help ticket, please call 509-359-2247.
  • If you have questions or need assistance regarding your title, please reach out to Human Resources at hr@ewu.edu or 509-359-2381.