Support Our Work

In order to partner EWU mentors with regional high school students, the Aspire program relies on funding from a variety of sources – including private gifts from individuals, corporations, and family foundations. To support our work, visit the EWU Foundation’s website and make a charitable donation to sustain and scale our impact. 
Your support has a dual impact. You are helping to support EWU undergraduates as they work and have meaningful experiences, by providing them with a stipend for being an Aspire mentor. Second, your support helps by increasing postsecondary attainment and success for marginalized students at our partner schools. Thank you for partnering with us to change the system and improve the lives of students across our region and state. 

More about us

Quick links to articles about Aspire, our funding, and more!

Aspire Funding

Aspire Establishment

Aspire Limitless Grant

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