Sexual Assault Prevention

Sexual assault is an issue happening on college campuses around the nation. In an effort to decrease occurrences of sexual assault at EWU, our office works to increase awareness on sexual assault and helps educate students on how to engage in healthy, consensual sexual relationships. Change starts with you!

Sexual assault includes:

  • Rape (vaginal, anal, or oral sexual intercourse without consent)
  • Attempted rape
  • Unwanted sexual touching (above or under clothing)
  • Sexual harassment or threats
  • Voyeurism or peeping
  • Exhibitionism

Before engaging in any type of sexual activity, you must receive consent from the other person. Remember – if they don’t give you a “yes,” that means NO.

According to Washington state law: “Consent to any sexual activity must be clear, knowing, and voluntary. Anything less is equivalent to a “no.” Clear, knowing, and voluntary consent to sexual activity requires that, at the time of the act, and throughout the sexual contact, all parties actively express words or conduct that a reasonable person would conclude demonstrates clear permission regarding willingness to engage in sexual activity and the conditions of such activity. Consent is active; silence or passivity is not consent.”

Consent for sexual activity cannot be received if the person:

  • is forced, coerced, or threatened into engaging in sexual activity;
  • is intoxicated or incapacitated (under the influence of alcohol or drugs);
  • is asleep or unconscious;
  • or has a mental or physical disability that would keep them from being able to express consent.

For more information on consent, visit What is Consent?

Victims of Sexual Assault

EWU offers several on-campus resources for students who have been a victim of sexual assault. To find out more about our resources, visit the University Support page.