Three Poems by Kathleen Flenniken

Issue 94

Found in Willow Springs 94

1960s Skies

Not particular clouds but their motion
               against a blue     tinged with leaded gasoline

                                          rolling clouds      muscular as turbines

the moon      an eyebrow raised over a sagebrush sea

             night satellites        like calm and distant octopi
                            drifting over my sleeping bag         in my first backyard 

wind       and the voices inside the wind
                        remembered skies are made of

                                                           socked in   under a dome
                                                                            painted to look like sky

Late November

Time slips at twilight,
loses its grip

on puddles outside
the coffee shop window

and raggedy blinds
across the street.

It pulls me out the door
for the last measure of light.

Here, somewhere near,
meaning blinks.

like a secret animal in its burrow.
It’s now. It’s fifty years ago.

Crows start arriving to roost,
raucous as usual.

Crows, won’t you quit?
Leave. Let me be.

A bird or an answer
darts out of the dusk,

calling me to dinner
in Mother’s lost voice.


and I     for lack of ideas
scramble randomly

into a grove of trees
two blocks from home.

My stumbling entrance
then silence.

A twig snaps in the undergrowth.
Then everything green goes still.

No missing
that animal spirit

frozen under ground cover
and boughs

received as an SOS
a bioluminescence of fear

brighter than the animal
it belongs to.

Once in a European basilica
I felt     I’ll call it a shape

and tried to meet it
arms lifted as though

dressing in the dark
unsure of which or how to

arm hole or button
or if the garment could fit.

Chester    were you

from always hungry
annoying and sweet

to priestlike
by a week of nights

under these alders
and how long do I

stand here
trying to find out?

It’s twilight.
The trees are black belfries.

Birds swing the incense
of their songs in arcs.

They know
I’m the weakest of believers.

They know
what happened to Chester

but will never tell.
We couldn’t care less

they warble

And beautiful May is unstoppable.

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