General Guidelines for Spending

● S&A fees are collected from students for the express purpose of funding co-curricular/extra-curricular student services and programs.

● Expenditures should clearly promote and conform to the University’s mission and goals.

● An organization is to discuss all purchases with their designated expenditure or budget authority prior to purchasing items or services.

● S&A fees are considered public monies of the state of Washington. Each purchase from an organization’s account must be allowable, authorized, recorded, and appropriately used.

● Individual students may not unilaterally make purchases.

● Individuals may not make purchases with personal money and seek reimbursement without prior approval.

● All University paperwork must be completed and signed by the expenditure authority before purchases occur.

● An organization must not commingle S&A fee monies with other types of funds.

Impermissible Uses of S&A Fees

The following are examples of S&A fee expenditures that have been judged impermissible.

● Free meals and/or lodging for anyone without consideration and with a donative intent.

● Gifts of appreciation or concern for anyone (farewell gifts, flowers for bereavement, etc.) unless in return for participation or as an award for which one has competed and won.

● Tips or gratuities for services rendered by anyone unless authorized by OFM.

● Meals, lodging, coffee hours, receptions, or teas for a guest entertainer, lecturer, etc., unless required by the contract made for their services.

● Salaries of professional employees in teaching, administrative or clerical positions not directly related to co-curricular or extracurricular student programs’ operations.

● Complimentary tickets or admissions as a gift or for public relations purposes.

● Recruitment event/services or events/services where the primary target audience is not current students.

● Campaign contributions. Under no circumstances may public funds be used as a gift or campaign contribution to any elected official or officer or employee of a public agency. Nor may any public employee authorize the use of any facilities of a public agency (employees, stationary, postage, machines, etc.) to be used for the purpose of assisting a campaign for election or for the promotion or opposition to any ballot proposition. RCW 42.17.130; RCW 42.52.180 (state Ethics Act).V.

Permissible Uses of S&A Fees

● Traditional and time-honored activities such as student government, clubs, student governmental or programming organizations’ activities or events, health and wellness programs, retreats, conferences, musical, dramatic, artistic, debate, and forensic presentations of an extra-curricular nature, student publications and other mass media initiatives.

● S&A fees may be used for the expenses associated with activities, including meals and lodging during group travel. These costs may be paid as a return for participation.

● Trophies, certificates or engraved plaques, stoles, clothing, uniforms etc. Items may be purchased when they are personal in nature, are of nominal value, and are purchased for individuals as a result of participation, job/position or volunteer function.

● Support for student employees in student programs operations

● S&A fees may be used to support permanent staff only to the extent that the employees are engaged in student activities and programs–as opposed to normal maintenance and operation functions of the college.

● Premiums for liability and casualty insurance coverage for the college for actions taken by students/staff serving in official capacities or participating in such activities and programs.

● Meals for reception or award ceremony attendees who are part of the program.

● Meals and refreshments (coffee, cookies, etc.) at approved student programs as incidental thereof. Examples include: graduation ceremonies, vocational certificate awards programs, scholarship convocations or receptions, student activity or club meetings, student awards, student work sessions, new student orientations, honor society initiations, scholarship donors receptions, etc.

● Costs associated with child care centers for the children of students.

● Dues for institutional memberships in officially recognized student leadership, governmental or programming organizations.

● Special tutorial or co-curriculum programs provided it is not to sustain a critical operation of the University.

● A legal aid program which provides services to individual students, provided that the program is not used to institute legal action against the college or university.

● Furniture and equipment for informal or non-instructional student spaces as approved by the SAFC allocation process.

● Partial subsidization of a student food bank operation, provided that the food bank benefits only students.

Committee Membership

Current Eastern Washington University (EWU) students will hold the majority voting membership. The EWU SAFC will be comprised of 12 members: six (6) students-at-large and four (4) University members (all voting), and three (3) ex-officio members (non-voting).

● Six (6) students-at-large will consist of:

  • ASEWU Finance Vice President
  • Five (5) recommended students-at-large by the ASEWU

● Four (4) University members will consist of:

  • One (1) representative recommended by the EWU Chief Financial Officer
  • One (1) representative from Student or Residence Life recommended by the Vice
  • President for Student Affairs
  • Two (2) faculty or staff members recommended by the Vice President for Student Affairs

● Three (3) ex-officio members will consist of:

  • Vice President for Student Affairs
  • ASEWU President
  • EWU Chief Financial Officer

Please be aware this is a summarization for your connivence for complete Guidelines please refer to the following PDF

Official Committee Guidelines PDF