Club Funded Treasurer’s Procedures

Club accounts are funded from fundraisers, dues, fees, and donations generated by the members of each individual club.  You must be a club in good standing with Student Engagement to open a Club bank account.

Each Club must update EagleSync with all club officers including titles, email address and phone numbers.  If any of your officers’ change during the school year, please update their information in EagleSync.  

Check requests are to be completed on EagleSync.  Checks are cut daily, so if the form is turned in before 3 PM you can expect to pick it up the following day after 2 PM.  If an emergency arises, we will make every effort to help you. 

Withdrawal title should be the club name and a short description on what the funds are for (i.e. Student Accounting-EOY BBQ).  Fill out the EagleSync request form completely.  If you need assistance with this you can stop by PUB 307, call, or email Student Accounting and we will be happy to walk you through the process.


If you have any problems, questions, confusion; please feel free to contact us.

Check requests are to be completed on EagleSync. Checks are cut daily, so if the form is turned in before 3 PM you can expect to pick it up the following day after 10 AM. If an emergency arises, we will make every effort to help you.

The withdrawal title should be the club name and a short description of what the funds are for (i.e. Student Accounting-EOY BBQ). Fill out the EagleSync request form completely. If you need assistance with this you can stop by PUB 307, call, or email Student Accounting and we will be happy to walk you through the process.

  •  Check advances are subject to approval.
  • Complete request online in EagleSync.
  • Receipts for advance checks must be turned in within 30 days of the check being issued. This time frame may be adjusted at the end of the school year to ensure that all receipts are collected. · Receipts need to be scanned and emailed to Diana Hartman in Student Accounting at
  • If the receipts/email are not received within 30 days of the check issue date, your club account will be placed on hold and we will not allow additional requests.
  • Always indicate the original check number and your club or organization name on the receipt.
  • Always request a detailed receipt since you will need to provide it for proof of purchase/donation.
  • If you have money left over, you must deposit it back into your club account. Always include the original check number on the deposit form.
  • Complete request online in EagleSync.
  • Upload the detailed receipts (Pizza must be detailed***) into EagleSync.
  •  The check can only be written for the total of the receipts.
  • If one person has multiple receipts for reimbursements, they will be processed on one check.
  • It is always a good idea to retain a copy of your receipts for your records.
  • If Gift Cards were purchased, you will need to fill out a “Gift Card Winner” log located on the Student Accounting Website.*** A detailed receipt includes, who you made the purchased from, each item you purchased, the total amount of the purchase and the total amount you paid. The credit card receipt can accompany the detailed receipt if there was a tip added.

When multiple clubs are working on joint projects and each has a club bank account, funds can be transferred from one account to the other. Please send your request via email to Please include the following:

  • Where are the funds being transferred from?
  • Who are the funds being transferred to?
  • What are the funds being transferred for?
  • The amount of the funds being transferred.
  • Club bank accounts are like a checking account for your club. You must be aware of your balance before requesting payment or funds.
  • All check requests will be reviewed by Student Accounting (PUB 307).
  • Larger requests will be reviewed and may require a purchase order. Purchase orders may take up to three weeks to process so plan ahead.
  • Student Accounting has a University Corporate credit card that can be used for some purchases. Always check with our office before all purchases.
  • There are certain items that must be purchased from specific vendors so always check with the Student Accounting office first.
  • In addition, this office has open purchase orders with some local vendors for the students’ use.
  • A request to pay for services (a performer, a disc jockey, etc.) will need to be processed on a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) which provides a contract and liability protection for the University. Student Accounting will complete the MOA with your assistance. This process can take some time as the Vendor needs to sign and return the MOA then it is processed through Purchasing before being sent to Accounts Payable for a check to be cut. Plan on between two to four weeks for this process to be complete.

Deposits into the club bank account can be made in person or you can mail your deposit to Student Accounting.  You can find additional information on our website. In person deposit slips can be found in PUB 307. Mail in deposit slips can be found on the Student Accounting website.  

  • Deposit slips are used to process club funded deposits to assure the funds are put into the proper club account. 
  • You will need to fill out a deposit slip every time you make a deposit.  Always note the purpose of the funds i.e. fundraiser, dues. You can put multiple deposit types on one deposit if there is a good description and breakdown of each.
  • When depositing checks make sure they are made out to EWU with your club/organization name, for example (EWU Motorsport).

We are all ultimately responsible to the Auditors and we need to be able to show a good “paper trail” on all the money and receipts for purchases from Club Funded Bank Accounts.

If you need to void a check you must return the check back to the Student Accounting Office at PUB 307. Never tear it up. We must retain the original check for our files for audit purposes.

If a check is lost or stolen, notify Student Accounting ASAP.

A printout of your Club Funded bank account can be obtained in the Student Accounting office at any time. This report can be e-mailed to you by contacting Diana at If you find any discrepancies, feel free to contact us.

Please encourage club members to cash their checks promptly as this allows us to keep your records current without a lot of outstanding checks.

This is usually a hectic time for all. Please encourage everyone to turn in receipts as they get them. It might be a good idea to set a deadline to guarantee getting paperwork in a timely manner.

Off-campus travel requires the completion of an EagleSync Event Request. Once the event is approved, you will need to contact Student Accounting to assist with your travel. In addition, each student traveler must complete Travel Authorization and Student Waiver forms before travel. These forms are all part of the EagleSync event process.

An event request needs to be filled out on EagleSync and approved. The money raised must be deposited at Student Financial Services. Student Accounting has credit card machines for rent to assist you in collecting funds.

ASEWU has a license to hold raffles on campus. If you are hosting a raffle, you will need to put the event in EagleSync as a Raffle, then contact Student Accounting to pick up your raffle packet. We encourage all clubs and orgs to get training on the raffle packet before you conduct your event.

  • Alcohol or tobacco products cannot be purchased with Club Funded or ASEWU funds in line with EWU and Washington State policy.
  • Student Financial Services no longer accepts debit/credit cards. They take cash and check only. Please stop by Student Accounting if you have questions.
  • Do not send cash in the mail if you are doing a mail-in deposit.
  • If your club collects dues from your members, please stop by and talk to us about convenient ways to accept payments online.