EWU Army ROTC Conducts Welcome Back Leadership Lab

By: Cadet Marcos Sanchez

On January 8th 2020, Eastern Washington University (EWU) Reserve Officer Training Corp (ROTC) Cadets kicked off the New Year and the winter academic quarter by conducting a Welcome Back Leadership Lab. During the lab Cadets were split up into smaller groups of 6-7 otherwise known as a squad and were then able to familiarize themselves with each other by conducting ice breakers.  Each squad then moved into drill and ceremony practice before finally being tested on what they’ve learned. Drill and ceremony is a vital tradition in the military and demonstrates proper discipline and military bearing.  It is important for Cadets to master this early because it will be used throughout their ROTC and military careers.

Drill and Ceremony
Cadet Null leads a formation through drill and ceremony training.

Over the next quarter the “Fighting Eagles” Battalion will be focusing on teaching the junior level Cadets squad based tactics. Third year Cadet Amayia Roberts said she’s excited to learn about the upcoming topic so she can excel and be “top tier” at ROTC Advanced Camp this summer. Advanced Camp is Cadet Command’s premier annual training event that assesses Cadets on their ability to conduct basic officer leadership tasks. Cadets usually attend Advanced Camp during the summer between their junior and senior years of college. Passing Advanced Camp is a mandatory requirement for all Cadets who want to commission as an officer in the U.S. Army after graduation.

Cadet Roberts conducts the ‘extend to the left’ command during the drill and ceremony practice.

EWU ROTC Cadets will continue to build squad level cohesion over the next couple weeks in order to properly move into squad level tactics. These tactics will be used in harsh terrain and proper morale is necessary to keep the mission a success.  Go Fighting Eags!

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