McNair Scholars Connect with Research Librarians

Dr. Liya Deng recently visited our classroom to inform McNair Scholars of all the research resources available at the EWU Library. Dr. Deng discussed using Research Guides, Databases A-Z, Academic Search Ultimate, and JSTOR, and best practices for key words and filters. Dr. Deng has always provided McNair Scholars with kind and generous support on their Summer Research Internship projects, demystifying the database systems and encouraging connection. Research librarians are an indispensable asset in addition to faculty mentors. Remember, they are here for you as part of the education EWU offers.

Students were invited to meet with the research librarian for their discipline and take a selfie – thanks to Brendan and Makenna for photos with subject experts Dr. Deng and Lynnae Daniels! We encourage all scholars to make a connection with your research librarian. You won’t regret it!

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