EWU McNair Scholar Samantha Sanchez-Garcia Accepted by Third Graduate Program

Samantha Sanchez Graduate School Acceptances 2021 CSU

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Samantha Sanchez-Garcia! Samantha has been accepted by the Industrial-Organizational Psychology Masters Program at California State University in San Bernardino. This is in addition to her acceptance by the Industrial-Organizational Behavior Management Masters Program at Western Michigan University and by the Industrial and Organizational Psychology PhD Program at DePaul University with full funding. Samantha is majoring in Psychology at Eastern Washington University, with an emphasis in communication, sociology, and industrial/organizational psychology. She is also working on her Inclusion and Diversity certificate. Samantha is a research assistant in Dr. Jillene Seiver’s clinical psychology lab looking into how the mere presence of a cell phone may be distracting. Additionally, she completed her 2020 EWU McNair Summer Research Internship under the mentorship of Dr. Seiver where she studied traumatic experiences and mental health among college students. She presented this research at the Baylor McNair Research Conference.


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