Turn and Talk
This tool is an effective way to encourage student collaboration and communication. You have students partner up and share their ideas during a lesson.
Eastern Washington University
This tool is an effective way to encourage student collaboration and communication. You have students partner up and share their ideas during a lesson.
This tool is an effective way for students to come and go from the classroom without it being a distraction. The signs are a quick and easy way to get student opinions on “yes” or “no” questions.
This tool is to creating a safe classroom community where students fill one another’s bucket. It creates a positive learning environment where students recognize the importance of compliments. Giving compliments makes students motivation for kindness intrinsic and on the receiving end, a student gets a confidence boost.
This is a bookmark that teaches students how to apologize without having to overcomplicate the apology or not say enough. It also helps students resolve conflict on their own without getting the teacher involved.
Teachers can use light-up buttons to stick on the wall/whiteboard and have options next to each button. The teacher will then light up the options that they allow students to do once their work is finished. This allows the students to visually see their options without having to ask the teacher. To make it more student-directed/collaborative teachers can ask students prior in the day what they want the options to be.
Displaying a visual schedule in the classroom helps students see what comes next in their daily routines to avoid confusion. It provides an easy structure and helps students transition better from one activity to another.
This tool is a helpful, supportive tool to allow students to engage in positive collaboration, and give compliments to other students. This activity helps students engage in thinking critically about what they’re viewing and what they like about someone else’s work. During this time, one student will be elected to use the projector to present their work. That student will then call on to students to give compliments about the presenting student’s work.
This is a tool we use in my classroom to help remind students of hallway expectations. Even if the class is out of control, and some students are not in line or paying attention, when we begin to sing this song, every student turns around, faces forward, sings along, and gets ready to walk in the hall with a zero voice, this tool works as a preventative procedure for hallway expectations.
This is a great way to check in with your students and take into consideration to their lives outside of school.
It calms down students while also giving them a brain back to help them zone back into the task at hand.