Managing Food Allergies and Intolerances
Eastern Washington University and EWU Dining Services has resources available to assist students with special dietary needs that stem from food allergies and intolerances. To promote your safety and minimize the risk of reaction, we encourage you to be your own advocate.
Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies and Intolerances
- For medical emergencies, dial 911 immediately.
- Notify your primary care physician if a reaction has occurred.
- Introduce yourself to the Dining Services management team:
- Union Market – Sue Green sgreen@ewu.edu & Coby Woodruff cwoodruff23@ewu.edu
- Freshens – Sue Green sgreen@ewu.edu
- Panda Express – Cheri Hayes chayes3@ewu.edu
- Einstein Bros Bagels – Heidi Heimdal hheimdal@ewu.edu
- Catering – Justin Harris justinh@ewu.edu
- Concessions – Heidi Heimdal hheimdal@ewu.edu
- Eagle Services – Mitch Shaffer mshaffe2@ewu.edu
- Director of Dining Services – Paul Kile pkile@ewu.edu
- Ask managers, rather than servers, in Dining facilities about menu ingredients and preparation.
- Carry with you and be prepared to use an epinephrine auto-injector in the event of an allergic reaction. Dining Services staff are not trained to administer epinephrine auto-injectors.
- Notify your Community Adviser (CA), roommates, and friends of your food allergies.
- To discuss food allergy or gluten-free accommodations, please contact Student Accommodations & Support Services at SASS@ewu.edu or Director of Dining Services, Paul Kile pkile@ewu.edu
- Read our Peanut and Tree Nut Use Statement.
Food Allergy/Intolerance Disclaimer:
EWU Dining Services makes efforts to identify ingredients that may cause allergic reactions for those individuals with food allergies and other food ingredient related reactions. However, there is always a risk of cross-contact and the possibility that the manufacturer of the commercial foods we use could change the formulation at any time and without notice. Additionally, the foods we prepare without gluten ingredients are not certified Gluten-Free. Consumers concerned about food ingredients should be aware of these risks.
Helpful Resources:
FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education) – Resource for College Students