
Resources on How to Make Online Courses Accessible for Students with Accommodations:

For assistance on how to make online course material accessible for students with accommodations, please visit EWU’s Instructional Technology website. They have great resources!

You can also contact them via email at instructionaltech@ewu.edu or by phone at 509-359-6656. You can also create a Help Desk Ticket for assistance.

Please refer to the following resources for support: 

How do I add additional time to an online quiz or exam for students that have Alternative Testing as an accommodation? (This video was designed by Western Washington University)

Making Course Materials Accessible to Students

Making Word & PDF Documents Accessible to Students 

EWU Canvas Instructor Support 

To report an ADA concern or accessibility barrier on-campus, click on the button above & scroll to the last link on the page to complete the form.

Faculty Overview

How to refer students to Student Accommodations and Support Services?

Rights and Responsibilites

Faculty, students with disabilities, and Student Accommodations and Support Services have rights and responsibilities related to reasonable modifications under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

Student Testing with SASS

For the convenience of instructors, Disability Support Services offers test services to their students with disabilities, who are eligible for test modifications.

SASS Policies and Commonly Used Forms

Here is a collection of policies and the forms most frequently used by faculty.

Universal Classroom Design and Accessibility

How can instructors select their curriculum and instructional strategies to maximize the learning of all students?