Final Eastern Washington University Cadets Graduate From Advanced Camp 2019

Our final two Eastern Washington University (EWU) Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Cadets completed Advanced Camp earlier this month at Ft. Knox, Kentucky.  Cadets Marcos Sanchez and Collin Galbreath graduated from Advanced Camp’s 11th Regiment on August 18th.

From left: Cadet Collin Galbreath, 2nd Lieutenant Kyle Isaacson, and Cadet Marcos Sanchez

Advanced Camp is Cadet Command’s premier annual training event that assesses Cadets on their ability to conduct basic officer leadership tasks. Cadets usually attend Advanced Camp during the summer between their junior and senior years of college. Passing Advanced Camp is a mandatory requirement for all Cadets who want to commission as an officer in the U.S. Army after graduation. With the successful completion of Advanced Camp, Cadets Sanchez and Galbreath are one step closer to commissioning as Second Lieutenants after graduating from Eastern.

One of our 2019 Fighting Eagles Battalion alums, Second Lieutenant Kyle Isaacson was assigned to support Advanced Camp 2019 this summer after graduating from Eastern this past June.  During Advanced Camp he had the opportunity to meet with Cadets Galbreath and Sanchez. After Advanced Camp 2nd Lieutenant Isaacson will attend the Field Artillery Basic Officer Leadership Course at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma.

Congratulations to Cadets Galbreath and Sanchez for completing Advanced Camp and we wish all the best to 2nd Lieutenant Isaacson as he conducts his basic officer training to become a Field Artilleryman.

Go ROTC!  Go Fighting Eags!

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