Abdulrazik Mohammed Travels to DC to Attend the 7th Annual International Symposium on Women and Genocide in the 21st Century: The Case of Darfur

EWU McNair Scholar Abdulrazik (Abdu) Mohammed lived in an Internally Displaced camp in the Sudan for two years as a child, then spent five years in a Kenyan refugeecamp with his family, who had been forced to flee their home due to the ongoing violent conflict in Darfur. “Life was like a prison there,” he … Read more

McNair Scholars Representing EWU at National Latinx Psychology Association Conference in LaJolla, CA

EWU McNair 2018 summer research interns, Rosa Espinosa-Zunigaand Marixza Torres, recently represented Eastern Washington University at the National Latina Psychological Association Conference in LaJolla, CA. This professional conference included prominent Latinx psychologists from around the country along with graduate students and a handful of undergraduates like Ms. Torres and Ms. Espinosa-Zuniga, who both presented posters … Read more

Ariel McMillan – National Conference on Race&Ethnicity In American Higher Education

This June Ariel McMillan presented her research, “Perceptions of Oppression White Students of Eastern Washington University,” at the National Conference on Race & Ethnicity In American Higher Education in San Francisco, California. Ariel attended the conference as a student scholarship recipient and says that the conference experience “was beyond productive and insightful!”  

EWU McNair Scholars Present Research in Colombia

This March, two McNair Scholars, Samantha de Abreu and Jennyfer Mesa Granada traveled to The 63rd Annual Southeastern Conference of Latin American Studies in Cartagena, Colombia. Samantha de Abreu presented her research: “A Tale of Symbiosis and Success: Cuban Vermiculture.” Jennyfer Mesa Granada presented on: “Al Bordo del Desastre: Waste Disposal Crisis and Response in Contemporary Mexico City.”     … Read more