EWU McNair STEM GSA Accepted into Immunology and Infectious Disease PhD Program at WSU

Photo of Brandon Flatgard next to red background with text congratulating Brandon. Photo of Brandon Flatgard next to red background with text congratulating Brandon.

Congratulations EWU McNair STEM GSA Brandon Flatgard! Brandon was accepted to the Immunology and Infectious Disease PhD program at Washington State University. Brandon has a BA in Biology from Gonzaga University and is currently a graduate student in Biology at EWU mentored by Dr. Andrea Castillo. His current research is focused on post-transcriptional regulation of clinically relevant strains of Helicobacter pylori. He is interested host-pathogen relationships, synthetic biology, and experimental therapeutics. To learn more about Brandon, check out our “Contact Us” page on the EWU McNair website.


We’re so excited for you Brandon!

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