Lucia Roussa

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Lucia Roussa graduated from Eastern Washington University with a dual major in Environmental Science and Biology. Her research interests include phycology, marine microbiology, and conservation science in coastal marine ecosystems. In 2020, Lucia was selected as a TLES Scholars Award recipient. In 2021 she completed an internship at the University of Washington with the Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean, and Ecosystem Sciences (CICOES) where she studied jellyfish in the Puget Sound. For her McNair Research she received mentorship from Dr. Camille McNeely on her project investigating the relationship between freshwater algal abundance and diversity through analyzing the eutrophication of wetlands in Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge. She then extended this with Dr. Jessica Allen to analyze the phylogeny of freshwater sponges in Eastern Washington. In the future, she would like to explore algae and the potential of phycological research to find modern solutions to environmental problems. She is well on her way to her goal of being a role model for those who feel like STEM fields are limited to those with economic privilege, or those who feel insecure entering a male-dominated field. The faculty of the EWU’s Environmental Science Program awarded Lucy the 2022 Excellence in Academic Achievement Award. 

She was accepted by the University of Miami’s Master of Professional Science program in the Marine Conservation track at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science as well as to North Carolina State University’s PhD program, with full funding, where she began attending in the Fall of 2022. For her first quarter she got to participate in field work through a marine cruise along the East Coast!

2021 CIOES Research Mentor: Dr. Julie Keister, University of Washington

Research Title: Measuring from the Sky: Methods to Quantify Moon Jellyfish (Aurelia labiata) Using Aerial Photographs

Presentation Poster

2021 EWU Faculty Research Mentor: Dr. Camille McNeely & Dr. Jessica Allen

Research Title: Freshwater Sponges in Eastern Washington: A Study of Species Composition and Associated Photobionts

Presentation Poster

Abstract: When you think of aquatic sponges, your mind may go to large, tube-like marine structures. Unknown to many, sponges are ecologically important components of freshwater lakes, rivers, and streams. Freshwater sponges are filter-feeders that also harbor algal symbionts in their tissues. In return for the sponge’s protection and nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus, algae provide its host with sugars produced from photosynthesis. This mutualism is similar to marine corals and their algal symbiont, zooxanthellae. Unlike the coral mutualism, sponges do not have an obligate relationship with their symbionts and are often found without them. Freshwater sponges of North America are relatively poorly studied compared to other freshwater invertebrates. I hypothesize that water quality characteristics such as pH, temperature, and nutrient concentrations will differ between sites with and without sponges, and that each species of sponge will have unique species of algal photobiont.

I surveyed 27 streams sites in Eastern Washington to document distribution, species composition, and algal photobionts. Each site was searched for 1 hour, and at least 100 substrate particles were examined per site. In addition to surveying streams for sponge presence, I also measured water quality parameters including temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, pH, oxidative-reductive potential, and concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus. Where sponges were present, I collected samples to determine species composition through DNA sequencing and microscopy. Of the 27 sites surveyed, sponges were found at 9. Since this research is ongoing, only data collected from field work is available. Laboratory work for sponge and algal species identification will take place later this year. Once species are known, distributions will be compared with environmental variables. This research will contribute to our knowledge of these poorly documented freshwater animals.

McNair Alum Illuminate the Graduate School Experience

What a joy to see the faces of 6 former EWU McNair Scholars all on the same screen this summer! As a part of the culminating weeks of our intensive McNair Summer Research Internship that includes daily graduate school application and preparation seminars, these brilliant alumni joined us to share their insights and experiences as … Read more
13 McNair Scholars Present at EWU’s 2022 Student Research & Creative Works Symposium

13 McNair Scholars Present at EWU’s 2022 Student Research & Creative Works Symposium

On May 11, EWU held the 2022 Student Research and Creative Works Symposium. The Symposium has been held virtually for the last two years, and being back in person allowed for a different level of engagement as scholars discussed their research (both proposed and completed) with fellow students, faculty, and the EWU community. Many scholars … Read more
Excellence in Academic Achievement Award from EWU’s Environmental Science Program

EWU McNair Scholar Lucia Roussa Receives Excellence in Academic Achievement Award

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Lucia Roussa! Lucia has been selected by the faculty of the Environmental Science Program to receive the “Excellence in Academic Achievement Award” for 2022. Lucia’s professors remarked about her active pursuit of undergraduate research experiences, success in obtaining competitive summer research opportunities external to EWU, and experience as a McNair scholar … Read more
Lucia Roussa Accepted to the Doctoral program in Marine, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences at North Carolina State University

EWU McNair Scholar Lucia Roussa Accepted to NC State PhD Program

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Lucia Roussa! Lucia accepted an offer with a competitive support package from North Carolina State University’s Doctoral program in Marine, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences. Lucia is double majoring in Environmental Science and Biology at EWU. Her research interests include Phycology, marine microbiology, and conservation science in coastal marine ecosystems. In … Read more
Lucia Roussa Accepted to Masters Program at University of Miami

EWU McNair Scholar Lucia Roussa Accepted to Masters Program at University of Miami

  Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Lucia Roussa! Lucia has been accepted with funding by the Master of Professional Science program at the University of Miami in the Marine Conservation track at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. Lucia is double majoring in Environmental Science and Biology. Her research interests include Phycology, marine microbiology, and conservation science in … Read more
Lucia Roussa completes Summer Research Internship

EWU McNair Scholar Lucia Roussa Completes Summer Research Internship

EWU McNair Scholar Lucia Roussa worked with Dr. Julie Keister of the University of Washington School of Oceanography on her Summer Research Internship project, Measuring from the Sky: Methods to Quantify Moon Jellyfish (Aurelia labiata) Using Aerial Photographs, in collaboration with CICOES. She contributed to research on the effect that climate change is having on jellyfish … Read more
12 McNair Scholars Present at EWU’s 2021 CSTEM and McNair Spring Research Symposium

12 EWU McNair Scholars Present at EWU Virtual Symposium

In June 2021, EWU held the CSTEM and McNair Spring Research Symposium. This online event offered a chance for McNair scholars to present their research, as well as attend the Social Justice in Research Panel of EWU McNair alumni now working in academics and education.  The mission of the federally-funded TRiO Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement … Read more
Lucia Roussa awarded Leon and Emma Solomon Memorial Scholarship

EWU McNair Scholar Lucia Roussa Awarded Leon and Emma Solomon Memorial Scholarship

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Lucia Roussa! Lucia has been selected by the Seattle Association for Women in Science for the Leon and Emma Solomon Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship is named for Leon and Emma Solomon who supported their daughter, now Dr. Fran Solomon, in pursuing her education and career goals. Dr. Fran Solomon is … Read more

Welcome The EWU McNair 2020-2021 Cohort

New Scholars! The EWU McNair Scholars Program is excited to welcome our new 2020-2021 cohort of McNair scholars! Operating in a cohort model, these scholars will make connections while acquiring the knowledge, skills, and capacities necessary to successfully navigate the diligence of doctoral studies through immersion in mentored research experiences and scholarly activities.   This … Read more

EWU McNair Scholars Lucia Roussa and Mori Williams Present at NCUR

EWU McNair Scholar Mori Williams and Lucia Roussa presented last week at the virtual National Council on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) Conference. NCUR promotes undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activity in all fields of study through their conference for students. It  celebrates undergraduate student achievement and hopes to help improve the state of undergraduate education. Each … Read more