Crisis Checklist

If a student is an immediate risk to self or others, call 911
If you are unsure about the risk, call 911

When a student is in crisis and you become aware of this information during normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm), please refer to the following procedure:

1. Identify the situation as a crisis if:

  • The student discloses that they are suicidal or may cause harm to themselves
  • The student discloses that they are homicidal or may cause harm to someone else
  • The student is in extreme pain, or medical crisis, and needs assistance immediately
  • The student has experienced a loss of contact with reality
  • Any situation in which you believe it would be in the student’s best interest to react immediately

2. If it is safe and you are able to do so, provide support and comfort:

  • Remain calm and use open body language
  • Ask anyone, who is not directly helping, to give you space and respect the student’s privacy
  • Offer the student a drink of water, piece of gum, or a snack if safe and appropriate
  • Let the student know that you are going to reach out for some extra support for them

3. Respond, and reach out to appropriate campus partners:

Remember that safety is first, so if you are concerned for your safety or the safety of others, call 911

Dean of Students/Student Care Team (

  • Offer a wide range of services to provide student assistance and support in times of challenge and crisis. We can provide assistance if a student has been sexually assaulted, is a victim of crime, experiencing extreme illness/mental health/medical situation, is in need of emergency funds, or has lost a loved one. (509) – 359 – 7924
  • Student concerns can also be reported online at:

Counseling and Wellness Services:

  • Offers a range of psychological services to EWU students. Services are available at no additional cost to EWU students who have paid the health fee. Counseling services are confidential. Walk-in sessions are available 1:00pm-4:00pm, Monday-Friday (Cheney Campus Only)
  • (509) – 359 – 2366

24-Hour Crisis/Suicide Prevention Services

Regional Behavioral Health Crisis Line (24/7)
(877) – 266 – 1818

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

or (800) – 273 – 8255

Trevor Project (LGBTQ)
(866) – 488 – 7386

Trans Lifeline
(877) – 656 – 8860

Call for yourself or someone else, free, confidential and available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year