Exciting New Changes for FY25
Welcome to Eastern’s Shopping Assistant
This site is Eastern’s portal for Procurement & Contract Services. You can find additional information about our programs and services in the menu above. Also, please feel free to reach out to our staff for any questions or assistance.
EWU Shopping Assistant
Purchase Requests
- Purchase Request – Create/submit a purchase request
- Purchase Order Terms and Conditions
- Statewide contracts that include small, diverse, or veteran-owned businesses – This page can help purchasers find small, diverse and veteran-owned businesses that sell goods and services through statewide contracts.
Request a New Contract
- Who Can Sign a Contract? – Click here for EWU’s Contract Signature Authority List
- Service/Guest Speaker – For a service, repair, guest speaker, artist, performer, or similar services.
- Vendor Purchase Contract – For goods or services being purchased from a vendor.
- Other Contract – For a contract/agreement that does not involve a purchase.
- IT Contract – For a contract/agreement that involves information technology, software, software-as-a-service (i.e. cloud-based services), etc.
- Affiliation Agreement – For practicum/clinical/internship/field study placements.
- College in the High School Partner – For an agreement to add a new College in the High School partner.
Reimbursement Requests
- Employee Reimbursement Request – Create/submit a request for reimbursement for an EWU employee
- Example of completed A19 Form
- Fillable A19 Form
Set up New Accounts
- Amazon – Request an Amazon Business Account
- Office Depot – Request an Office Depot Business Account
- 1. Complete this Office Depot Application
- 2. Upload the application and complete the Fresh Service Request Form
- P-Card – Request a new Purchasing Card (P-Card)
Links for Restricted/Specialty Items
- Meals & Light Refreshments: Procedures for the use of university funds to pay for employee meals and light refreshments for university sponsored meetings or formal training sessions.
- Prizes & Gift Cards: Guidelines and procedures for the purchase and distribution of gift cards/prizes purchased with University funds is found on the Accounts Payable website.
- Travel: Travel expenses, including airfare, for EWU employees and for students who are traveling under a Group Travel authorization is processed through the university’s travel management system Concur.
- Sales Tax Exemptions for Research: Certain purchases related to equipment used primarily for research may qualify for a sales tax exemption. The equipment purchases must meet very specific criteria which are outlined the Tax Compliance webpage and in the documents below.
- MarCom Authority Purchases: The following items require initial processing and approval through EWU Marketing & Communications (MarCom). To purchase any of these items, contact Shelley Stickelmeyer, Quality Service Coordinator, at 509-359-6336 or email to sstickelmeyer42@ewu.edu.
- Apparel and Screen Print: T-shirts. polos, hats, etc. – with or without EWU logo or other identifying marks
- Promotional Items: Pens, mugs, notepads, banners, table cloths/runners, etc.
- Printing: Flyers, posters, booklets, business cards, letterhead, large format, lamination, mounting, postcards, etc.
- Advertising: All print, billboard, web, radio and TV advertisements for EWU. To purchase or inquire, contact University Relations, at 509-359-6336.
Eastern Washington University is committed to obtaining goods and services in the most cost effective manner, while providing the highest value for the University.
We value our business partners and encourage all suppliers and vendors who are interested in doing business with EWU to visit our vendor website.
Supplier Diversity
Contact Us
218 Tawanka
Cheney, WA 99004-2445
509.359.2253 (phone)
509.359.7984 (fax)