Parking and Transportation Services (PTS)
Spring Quarter Parking Permits – Delayed
Parking Services is in the midst of a software change and the completion of the project will be some time during spring break. The date of purchase will likely open the last week of March or first week of April. No citations will be issued for quarterly permits until the system is up and running. Thank you. Update as of 3/3/2025.

Welcome to EWU!
At EWU Parking and Transportation Services, our goal is to provide guidance and assistance to the campus community and public on all parking-related needs in a timely and efficient manner. We make every effort to promote compliance with the University’s parking regulations through a general understanding of its parking system. We strive to demonstrate an overall attitude of serving, caring and helping all whom we serve.
Current Students
Learn all about obtaining a parking permit
Faculty and Staff
General information for Faculty and Staff
Commute Trip Reduction
Get information about CTR and CTR Calendar

News and Information
Please Note: The City of Cheney strictly enforces No Overnight Parking and No Parking Areas on the city streets surrounding EWU campus. Please take special notice of all posted signs. These violations are subject to City of Cheney parking citations and potential towing. If you have a Residential Hall parking permit, please park in RH13, RH16 or the RH overflow in P-12. If you have any questions regarding on campus parking, please feel free to call us at 509-359-6520.
Useful Information
Campus Parking Map
Find your parking lot on this campus map. Click on “Parking” to see our permitted parking lots.
Spokane Transit Authority (STA)
Get your STA bus routes and schedules here
Mobile Parking App Info
Check out our great PayByPhone App
Eastern Washington University
Parking and Transportation Services
120 Tawanka Hall
Cheney WA 99004