Visitor Parking

Mobile Pay (PayByPhone) is the primary visitor parking on and around campus. Mobile pay stalls can be paid to the maximum limit. Guests, visitors, salesperson, serviceperson, vendor representatives and others doing business with the University may be issued visitor permits allowing them to park in designated lots on campus. A fee may be charged. (1) Parking on the campus will not be provided to persons intending to make personal solicitations from or personal sales to University employees or students. (2) Visitor permits shall not allow the user to park in reserved, disabled spaces. Parking permits may be purchased at Parking Services, 120 Tawanka Hall. Office hours are 8 a.m.- 4:00p.m. Monday-Friday.
Useful Information
Disability Parking
Information on obtaining and use of a department permit.
You can use the PayByPhone App to pay your parking meter around campus.
Campus Map
Check out the campus map for parking lots and building locations.