Photo credit: Wendolyn Martinez, 2019
Wendolyn Martinez finds Russian history and language fascinating. After learning about culture and politics in Russia at EWU, she became determined to study abroad in order to learn first-hand about the places she had read about in her classes. To fund her study, Wendolyn applied for and was awarded the Gilman Scholarship through the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program, maximizing her opportunities to travel and experience different cultures and languages during her undergraduate career. Wendolyn is studying abroad this quarter through the Knowledge Exchange Institute program at the Moscow State University. Beyond her studies, Wendolyn has managed to explore many sites of historical and political importance in Russia, including the Victory Museum, The Kremlin, the Winter Palace, and the Leningrad Siege Memorial.
“I’m studying Russian Language and History at Russia’s top university, Moscow State University (мгу), through the KEI program. I choose [to study abroad in] Russia because of my [academic and personal interest in] US-Russian relations…I knew this experience would be incredibly beneficial.”
Wendolyn will return to EWU’s Cheney campus in the winter quarter and will be applying for 2020 Summer Research Internship opportunities in Political Science. We are so proud of McNair Scholars like Wendolyn who are passionate about exploring and expanding their horizons!