Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Hope Sands for completing her 2020 EWU McNair Summer Research Internship! For her EWU McNair Summer Research Internship, Hope studied Fort Spokane under the mentorship of Dr. Brian Buchanan. Hope’s project looked at the historical past of Fort Spokane in an attempt to understand the archaeological and geographical significance of the Fort’s construction. Previous archaeological projects at this location have focused more so on the Fort itself, rather than the Fort and its surrounding environs. Hope graduated in the Spring of 2020 from Eastern Washington University with a major in Anthropology with a focus in Archaeology and Artifact Conservation, as well as a major in Philosophy. Hope was an Honors student and a member of Phi Eta Sigma and Phi Kappa Phi, honor societies at EWU.
Hope is taking a year off from school to explore field work in anthropology and plans to submit applications to graduate school starting Fall 2022. EWU McNair is so excited for Hope. We’re confident that she will succeed in graduate school and have a great impact on our communities.