EWU McNair Scholar Darlene Gilroy Selected for Second EWU McNair Summer Research Internship

Darlene Gilroy McNair Continuing Scholar Announcements 2020

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Darlene Gilroy! Darlene has been selected a second time for an EWU McNair Summer Research Internship. Darlene Gilroy studies Geology and is currently working on an independent research project investigating the chemical weathering of volcanic sediments. She presented on this project, with the mentorship of Dr. Carmen Nezat, at the 2019 Murdock College Science Research Conference in Tacoma WA, the 2020 WE-STEM conference at EWU, and the EWU Virtual Symposium. Darlene would like to focus future research in areas such as Anthropogenic Climate Change and Natural and Geologic Hazards, through the lens of Geochemistry and will be applying to graduate school in the fall of 2020. To learn more about Darlene and her research, check out her webpage on the EWU McNair website.

We’re so excited to have Darlene join us for a second summer!

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