Keynote Speaker: Cheryl Dykstra-Aiello, Ph.D.

Inspiring the Future and Changing Lives 24th Annual May Gathering Keynote Speaker: Cheryl Dykstra-Aiello, Ph.D. Eastern Washington University Class of 2012 Dr. Cheryl Dykstra-Aiello will speak at our 24th May Gathering! Register for our event by clicking here, or heading to our Spring Gathering tab. Dr. Cheryl Dykstra-Aiello is honored to be a McNair Scholar … Read more

May 1st Scholar Cafe Announced!

On May 1st, we hold our first Scholar Cafe of spring! Providing insights and knowledge on undergraduate research, Dr. Javier Ochoa-Reparaz will discuss topics such as working in a lab and NSF funding. Dr. Javier Ochoa-Reparaz’s research interests are focused on host-microbial gut interactions and the mechanisms of immunomodulation induced by gut symbionts in the context … Read more

Nathan Blair, EWU McNair Scholar, has been accepted to the PhD program in Chemistry at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln!

EWU McNair Scholar, Nathan Blair, was accepted to the PhD program in Chemistry at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, with funding. Nathan was selected from a competitive and diverse pool of applicants, and is excited about the prospect of researching with fellow McNair Scholar, David Nguyen. This is Nathan’s first acceptance. Way to go!

Angelica Garcia-Macias, McNair Scholar, has been accepted to Purdue Summer Research Program!

Angelica Garcia-Macias was accepted to Purdue University’s 2019 Summer Research Opportunities Program, as a Purdue University scholar. The program helps prepare undergraduates for graduate study through intensive research experiences with faculty mentors and enrichment activities. Program components include research stipend, university housing, research presentations, workshops on the GRE and applying to graduate school, and social activities. … Read more

Angelica Garcia-Macias, McNair Scholar, has been accepted to the MIT Summer Research Program!

Angelica Garcia-Macias was accepted to the MIT Summer Research Program for the summer of 2019! This prestigious university offers this summer program for a small number of students from all over the country. Her acceptance into this program, which includes a variety of graduate school preparedness activities, collaboration between other scholars and faculty at one … Read more