Minerva and Ella visit Indiana University

This Fall, Minerva and Ella received the opportunity to participate in a campus visit at Indiana University through a multi-day recruitment program for IU applicants. They met with possible mentors, explored the campus, and had a chance to sit in a seminar class with graduate students. They believe that Indiana University has a lot to offer! http://graduate.indiana.edu/about/diversity/visit-iu.shtml

NCUR 2016

This week the National Conference on Undergraduate Research is being held at the University of North Carolina-Asheville campus. Our EWU McNair Scholars Diana Ocampo, Jose Razo, Anna Kravtsova and Ariel McMillan will be presenting their research there! Check out their research abstracts below! Attitudes and Motivations of First-Generation Spanish Heritage Speakers by Diana Ocampo Motivations for Academic Achievement … Read more

36th Annual Policy Seminar

This week The Council for Opportunity Education is holding its 36th Annual Policy Seminar. “This is an opportunity for the TRIO and GEAR UP communities to help educate Members of the 114th Congress, congressional staff, and Obama Administration officials about the history and the success of TRIO and GEAR UP. More importantly, this event gives participants a … Read more