Monica has been accepted into University of Washington
Monica has also been accepted into University of Washington! What great news!!
Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program
Monica has also been accepted into University of Washington! What great news!!
Monica Villegas has been accepted into University of Colorado Boulder! Way to go Monica!
David has been accepted into The University of Chicago’s Ecology & Evolution PhD program. YAY David!!
EWU McNair Scholar, David Nguyen, has been accepted into the Interdisciplinary Disease Ecology Across Scales (IDEAS) Program and the Odum School of Ecology at the University of Georgia! Such great news David! Good Work!
Monica Villegas, who has worked with Dr. Justin Bastow this year, has been accepted into Western Washington University! Way to go Monica!
Laurisa Ankley, who has worked with Dr. Andrea Castillo this year, has been accepted into Michigan State University! Keep up the good work Laurisa!