Virtual PNW McNair PhD Prep Conference, July 14-16, 2020
Hosted by the Graduate School at Washington State University, the 2020 Virtual PhD Conference included McNair staff and over forty McNair student participants from McNair programs at Central Washington, Heritage, Eastern, and Washington State.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020: students had the opportunity to learn more about Graduate Education at WSU, and attend the McNair Alumni Panel.
Thank You to McNair Alumni Panel Participants
- Leola Dublin Macmillan, PhD, American Studies, Washington State University; Research, Consulting, Advocacy, San Luis Obispo, CA; McNair Institution: University of the District of Columbia, Washington, DC
- Shao Lu, PhD, Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Washington State University; Research Microbiologist, US Department of Agriculture- Agricultural Resource Services, Peoria, IL; McNair Institution: Central Washington University
- Martin Meraz Garcia, PhD, Political Science, Washington State University; Professor, Chicana/o/x Studies, Eastern Washington University; McNair Institution: Eastern Washington University
- Cristal Reyna Thompson, PhD, Biological Science, University of Notre Dame; Post-Doctoral Fellow, Boston University Medical School; McNair Institution: Washington State University
- Ghynecee Temple, PhD, Counseling Psychology, Washington State University; Staff Psychologist, University of Delaware Center for Counseling and Student Development, Newark, DE; McNair Institution: Eastern Washington University
- Olivia Vasquez-Brown, PhD Student, Mathematics, Brown University; McNair Institution: Central Washington University
Dr. Donald Asher, recognized expert on graduate school admissions and author of numerous books, including the best-selling Graduate Admissions Essays: Write Your Way into the Graduate School of Your Choice facilitated a two-day workshop to provide scholars “a life-changing opportunity, to learn how to get into competitive graduate programs with full funding. Students who complete a PhD earn $1.4 million more than students who stop with just a bachelor’s degree, and they gain true power to contribute back to their families and communities. … This is an important training event, highly interactive, presented by a national expert. Our goal is to create the same experience working n a distributed learning platform that you would have in person on campus. You will also need a pad of paper or some copier paper for certain exercises, and to take notes long hand. You will be very glad you chose to participate. See you (virtually) there!”