McNair Orientation! October 19th and 26th

Interested in grad school? The EWU TRIO McNair Scholar Program is seeking students who would like to do a summer research internship guided by a Faculty Mentor and attend graduate school after graduation! The federally-funded TRIO Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program at EWU supports first-generation and low-income and/or racially under-represented students in higher education who want to go on to get their PhD. McNair provides coaching and academic support to prepare students for graduate school and to complete competitive grad school applications, including a paid summer research internship! Each fall McNair seeks sophomores and juniors (and maybe seniors – ask us!) to join the McNair family so we can help you achieve your dreams.


Join us at one of our orientation meetings: October 26th, 12 or 2pm, in Monroe Hall, 107. See you there! Or just stop by Monroe 107 any time to meet with us! We’ll have a Zoom orientation option coming up soon too!



Interested in grad school? McNair can help!

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