Classroom Cheers

Classroom Cheers help build a positive relationship and attitude within the classroom between students and teachers. This contains a cup of a variety of cheers that can be preformed in order to support and encourage when our students or peers did something good that day or during an activity. They can be used to represent one individual student or the class as a whole.

Brag Tags

This tool is helpful because it helps promote and celebrate positive behavior in the classroom. Each tag stands for a different behavior (e.g.AR super star, peacemaker, writing wizard, good listener). When a student displays a certain behavior consistently, the teacher will award them the specific brag tag to string onto a simple metal necklace that is hung and displayed on the wall in the classroom.

Classroom Flexible Seating

The classroom environment is very important when taking into account how students are learning and what you are wanting when planning the lay out and materials in your room. Students can feel more attentive when learning and have a sense of enjoyment in being able to feel engaged and excited to be in the class community.

Reviewing Expectations

Reviewing expectations is a tool that helps you confirm students know what is expected of them, reminds the students what they should be focusing on, and allows the students to take ownership and responsibly of other own actions. It is simply just reviewing what expectations are before an activity or group work assignment. It helps students be on task during the task and maximize time for student learning.

The Learning Pit

The Learning Pit is a tool that clarifies to students that in order to experience deep learning, it will be difficult and it is okay to struggle. It is a picture that gives students a visual of how learning happens. They will learn that it is okay to fail, struggle, and have to work at a new skill before fully understanding and succeeding.