Inappropriate/Appropriate Behavior

When misbehaving occurs, explaining to a student the difference between inappropriate and appropriate behavior will help a student rethink their actions. Offering different solutions to the issue will offer an alternative look on how the student could have behaved differently. By using this tool, student can then change how they behave in future situations.

Practicing Routines

Practicing routines can be used to help the students learn their routines and how to best complete a task. The routines should be introduced in the beginning of the school year and used almost daily. By doing so, the students have time to learn and rehearse the routines, making them more effective.

Color Dot Grouping

Placing different colored dot stickers on blank notecards can be used as a grouping strategy. The students each receive one notecard with a specific colored dot and they must find their peer(s) with the same colored dot on their notecard. When students form groups, it prevents students from being left out and all students end up with a partner or in groups easily.


Mailboxes serve a very important role in the classroom setting when implemented correctly. Each student needs to have their own mailbox along with the teacher. The mailboxes can be personalized to have their name or can be listed off in numbers (which can be used as a grouping strategy). It also needs to be listed in the rules and procedures so students know how to use them.